16 | Holy Ground

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| time skip / 6 days later

"–and get my sunscreen from the washroom!" you yelled, making sure Joy heard you. However, when Joy came, you saw that she came empty-handed with her hands on her hips.

"It's literally fifteen degrees there. Stop fiddling around and just accept it," she said. 

"Accept what? And anyway, the weather's quite fickle there," you asked, trying to act like you had no clue by also responding to her.

"That you like Jungkook," she rolled her eyes, ignoring your second statement. "And he likes you back, I'm so sure."

"Even if I do like him, he doesn't like me back. I'm very sure!" you retorted.

"My foot! I heard your conversation the morning after the sleepover," she blurted out making you widen your eyes. 

"You were overhearing our conversation?!" you gasped.

"N-no–obviously not. You guys were just loud. Nonetheless, he likes you and you like him! You've got to confess to him on this trip, and that's it," she blurted rapidly and went towards the suitcase to pack her things. 

"You're a crazy woman, aren't you?" you questioned sarcastically. Joy turned towards you.

"I guess I am, but he's crazier for you," she winked making you sigh heavily.

"You're so annoying," you remarked.

"And he annoys you more because he wants your attention!" she squealed excitedly. You rolled your eyes at her, although even the thought of him liking you back made you feel an adrenaline rush within you. 

Only if it were true.

| time skip / next morning

"Bye, Mom," you hugged your mother warmly before pulling out. She smiled at you kindly, and that reminded you of the time when you were in fourth grade and were going on a school trip of just two days–but your mother cried. And now, you were going for a week but she was smiling at you.

"Mom, remember in fourth grade when I went on a school trip?" you asked her eliciting a nod.
"You cried for me back then, but now you seem so happy," you pouted dramatically, exaggerating what you really thought so as to gain some sympathy from her. However, she just chuckled and answered,

"Dumbass, do you want me to cry? Go now, you're getting late," she smiled once again, slapping your back.

"You really don't love me, do you?"

"Aish, such a brat," she complained and pecked your forehead. "Take care, dear," cooing, she looked at you with teary eyes making your eyes widen.

"Hey! Are you crying?! But you don't do that when you go on your business trips!" you exclaimed and hugged your mom. 

"I'm not crying because I'm sad. I'm crying because I'm proud–just how fast you've grown up. It feels like a few months back it was your first day at school."

The fabric on your shoulder dampened with your mom's tears. "Aish, such a caring mother!" you mocked her and plastered a kiss on her cheek. This was probably the first time your mom had shown so much care for you in years, and the first time you'd realized that this was just a poignant reminder of the passing of time.

"I'll call you at least two times a day, Mom, so don't worry! Bye!" you said before grabbing the handle of your trolley and tilting it so that its wheels rolled down the pavement outside your house. Once the bus arrived, you got onto it after keeping your luggage in the bus' trunk and to your surprise, saw no one except for Joy on the bus. 

"I thought you'd be late," Joy's words were followed by her own tired yawn. 

"You didn't sleep well?" you asked as you seated yourself beside her, keeping your backpack on your lap, earning a smirk from the latter.

"Mhm. I was thinking of ways to make you and Jungkook date each other," she looked at you slyly. You sighed deeply. "Jungkook's house is almost here. Don't shit-talk in front of him this way."

"And what if I do?" she nudged your shoulder. "That'll make my task easier, right?" 

You kicked her leg whilst glaring at her. "Hush, he's here."

The bus stopped and you covered Joy's mouth straight away so that she wouldn't utter any nonsensical phrases. The bus' door swung open soon and Joy suddenly made you withdraw your hand by licking it. 

"Ew, you disgusting shart–" you howled at her in a truculent tone, but Joy seemed unbothered even after the assault that she'd done to you just a few seconds ago as she beamed at Jungkook, gaining his attention. "Hey, Jungkook! Good morning! Actually, Y/n really wanted to talk to you–" 

You cut her off. "Oh, Joy! Look, the ostrich there is flying!"

"A hen?" Jungkook questioned, baffled. However, in spite of the stupidity of erroneous phrase, Joy jerked her head and looked outside, exclaiming, "Ostriches fly?!"

Upon making your mission successful, you signalled Jungkook to go and mind his own business to which Jungkook shrugged and walked to the extreme back of the bus, claiming his seat there with earphones plugged in. 

Leaving Joy dumbfounded, you turned your head to look at Jungkook who was way too engrossed in the music to pay attention to anyone else. Whilst you gaped at him sneakily, you realized that the mere existence of him made you feel so elevated–especially now. His body was relaxed and his eyes were closed. His soft-angled eyebrows that arched softly above his impenetrable eyes. His nose formed a perfect slope when he smiled. His thin yet beautiful lips below his philtrum, an elegantly carved indentation and finally his chiseled jawline which seemed as if it was chiseled by a sophisticated sculptor himself.

You snapped out of your reverie due to the bus honking. The first thought that crossed your mind after that–'What the hell am I thinking? Do I really like him?'

On one hand, where you face showed pure bewilderment, Jungkook, on the other hand, smiled at the lyrics of the song that he was listening to. The song that reminded him of you–your presence, your wholesome personality and the way you blushed upon his little remarks. 

'She is the one I have been waiting for,' he thought.


edited: 21-10-23

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