22 | Lovestruck

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| time skip / a week later / jungkook pov.

It'd officially been a week since me and Y/n had started dating, but at the same time, it had also been a week since Jimin had stopped talking to me and started ignoring me. Whenever I'd try to ask him, he'd just ignore. 

When I entered the cafeteria, I saw Jimin sitting alone and eating his lunch. I sat in front of him. He noticed me and although he seemed disappointed, he looked sort of keen–excited–as if he was expecting for me to say something, but I had no idea what to say, so I raised a brow at him. He huffed and rolled his eyes. 

"I saw you and Y/n that night," he emphasized on the two words, and those two words were enough to scare the shit out of me.

"Which night?" I asked him to make sure. 

"Do you really not know? I saw you guys in the pool when you both were kis–"

I cut him off immediately since he was saying it in such a loud tone that his voice could probably be heart till the next two tables. "Why are you saying it so loudly?" he whisper-yelled. Jimin smirked. 

"So, it's true?" he stared at me for a while till his smirk faded. "And you still didn't tell your best friend?!" he dramatically said, dropping both his chopsticks on the table. 

"Well... Y/n said we shouldn't disclose it yet–"


I pinched my nose bridge, embarrassed. He literally told everyone that I'm dating someone while saying that he'd not tell anyone! Only Mr. Shorty can do that. 

Everyone looked at me with widened eyes, but Jimin couldn't see them since his back was towards them. I smiled awkwardly and signalled everyone not to panic–basically for them to just mind their own business. Everyone turned around, but kept whispering amongst themselves. I sighed looking down, but as I raised my gaze, I glared at Jimin. "You literally just did that. Now everyone knows that I'm dating someone!"

"Okay! But they don't know who exactly you're dating, right?"

I whined at his words. "Jimin, are you really so dumb?!" 

| y/n pov.

I was taking my Biology book for the next class from the locker when I heard my phone ring. I saw the caller and it was Jungkook, or should I say... Jungovercooked?

"Hey. What is it?"

"Uh, when are you free? Or can you maybe meet me on the rooftop during PE?"

I sensed some urgency and seriousness in his voice. "Well, I have Bio right now, so I can't meet you but if it's something important, I can try–"

"No, it's alright. Go study your reproduction chapter–just don't forget to meet me."

I chuckled at his words. "There's stuff apart from just reproduction in Bio, Jungkook."

"But that's all you've taught me, so how would I know anything else?"

My cheeks turned crimson at his words. I hid my face in the locker, trying to resist the urge to scream right here. It wasn't because of the words that he said but because of the way he said it.

"Hey, Y/n!" I heard Joy, making me snap out of my blushing session. "I'll call you later, bye," I rapidly said and cut the phone.

"What were you looking for with your head literally buried in the locker, huh?" Joy questioned. I shook my head nervously, twisting the keys to lock the locker. "Actually, I couldn't find my pencil, so I was looking for it," I attempted to explain. However, it seemed to have gone in vain since she still didn't seem satisfied with my answer. Well, she's known me since we were in diapers so she obviously knows me well–but while I'm glad to have such a good friend, it's also really hard to lie to her because she detects my lies almost promptly; she very well knows that my ears turn red when I lie, just the way they're probably red right now.

"Well... I'll tell you later. I'm going for my class. Bye," I shut the locker hurriedly and ran to my class to avoid her question.

| a/n pov.

He's been waiting on the rooftop for Y/n. He'd arrived quite early, that too ten minutes before PE actually started, so he had to wait for her for a while. It was a long wait, although just for ten minutes. But when she arrived, the time that seemed to have slowed down while he waited for her had now seemed to totally stop when he saw her. It was the first time he'd seen her today, and he couldn't help but notice that she looked exceptionally gorgeous today.

He flinched back to realize as he remembered what he was actually supposed to talk about. "Well... to begin with, Jimin saw me and you the night I confessed to you. I mean, he wouldn't tell it to anyone, obviously, but that just made me wonder..." he drifted mid-way, trying to put his thoughts into words. After a long pause, he asked, "Do you want us to reveal our relationship?"

Your beaming face turned into a thoughtful, gloomy one. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed you growing uneasy. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

You hesitatingly nodded your head, but didn't look at him. You were afraid to see his disappointed face.

"Look at me," he softly spoke, resting his index finger beneath your chin  as he lifted your face so that you could look at him, which you eventually did. "I think that we should... t-take it slow. It's not like I'm embarrassed but I'm just not ready. And I'm sorr–"

He pressed his index finger on your lips to make you stop and whispered lowly, "Don't be sorry, hm? I understand, so you don't have to worry. I love you no matter what," he smiled assuringly, eliciting a smile from you, too. 

"Thank you. I'll be going then. I'm already very late," you said, and turned around to leave but he swiftly pulled your arm to pin you against the wall; his one hand securing your waist while the other pinned your hand above your head.

You gasped profusely and whispered, "Jungkook, someone might see us–"

"Yah, shut up. You look amazing today," he grinned, detaching his hand from your waist to tuck a loose hair strand of yours behind your ear. He leaned in closer, and you immediately knew what he was going to do next. Your eyes widened but before you could do anything, he locked his lips with yours. Your tensed muscles relaxed whilst you kissed him back. 

"I love you," he whispered against your lips making you smile.

"I love you more."


edited: 21-11-23

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