30 | The Ship is Sailing

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Today was officially the last day you were coming to the school. Not as a student, though, but to cheer for your boyfriend for his basketball match which had been postponed earlier due to the farewell party and exams. You didn't need to come but came to cheer for him, just because you wanted to. There were cheerleaders, idle guys who just came to watch the match, and girls whose crushes or boyfriends were playing. 

The game began, and you took the chance to cheer your lungs out for your boyfriend. "JUNGKOOK! JUNGKOOK!"

Even between the match, he took a chance to find you in the crowd and wink at you. All the girls screamed seeing the interaction. Everyone was looking at you because of what Jungkook did, and you loved it. Girls were scanning you from top to bottom due to jealousy, you could see with the corner of your eye–but you ignored them and continued to cheer for him.

Now was the time for the climax of the game. There was one little point that would determine who won. Your lungs had run out of oxygen but you kept cheering for Jungkook and his team nonetheless. 

The tension came to an end when the ball flew in the air and went through the basket. There was a gush of cheers and excitement as Jungkook's team won.


You could've sworn you were cheering harder than the cheerleaders themselves. You finally took a few deep breaths in as you sat on a chair. A classmate of yours who didn't talk to you even once in spite of always having the same classes as yours suddenly approached you. "Hey. Are you perhaps dating Jungkook?"

You nodded with a smile of pride. "Yes."

"Gosh, can you even breathe?" Jungkook popped out of nowhere and wrapped his arm around your waist. "You cheered so hard. I guess you were the reason I won."

"W-well... I'll get going," the girl said and left.

"No, you really played well."

"Thank you for coming just to cheer for me, love," he pecked your cheek making you smile. "That's my pleasure, Jungkook," you said.

This was the first time you both interacted this way in front of everyone, and you loved it with your body and soul. Everyone stared at the two of you as if this was totally expected. Maybe you guys were so obvious, after all?

If you hadn't been obvious, there would've been a shockwave in everyone present there due to Jungkook just showering you with love and kisses in front of everyone.

Little did the two of you know, the whole school shipped you guys. You were popular not only amongst your classmates but even your juniors just because of the ship. Everyone found you two arguing and being all cute with each other so cute, they couldn't help but ship you both. 

"You know why they don't seem shocked?" Jungook asked as he whispered in your ear. You shook your head, totally clueless. "They used to ship us all the time, even before we started dating."

Your eyes widened. "Really?" 

He nodded with a smile. "Yes."

| time skip / a/n pov.

Jungkook was in the changing room so you waited in the corridor for him. You were just standing while texting Joy (yes, you both eventually started talking after your argument) while leaning against the wall when a guy approached you.

"Hey, Y/n," Min-ho suddenly approached you.

"Hi," you greeted him, feeling sort of uncomfortable because of the look on his face.

"I'm so glad you came today," he said, smiling ear to ear. "I wanted to talk to you regarding something."

You sighed. "What is it?"

"Can we talk about it alone?"

You shook your head immediately. "Can you not talk about it here?"

Min-ho sighed. "I can, but... okay. Just for you."

"So, what is it?"

"I love you, Y/n."

"Min-ho, are you being serious?" you said, not able to believe what he said. You hated him a lot after a certain incident in the past, and he knew it, yet he had the nerve to say something like this to you. And the fact that you knew what his actual intentions were angered you even more. "Leave before I say something wrong."

"Y/n, trust me, I love you with my whole heart. I know what you think about me, but–"

Jungkook once again, popping out of nowhere, cut him off. "She told you to leave, didn't she?"

"Who are you to speak while me and her are talking, huh?!"

"Her boyfriend," Jungkook smirked. "Moreover, if you lost against me, talk to me and take revenge on me, but stay away from her. Stop being so childish, you're almost an adult already."

Everyone had surrounded you guys already. Min-ho, who'd never been so embarrassed in front of others couldn't say anything furthermore although he wanted to. He remained quiet as he just stood on his spot, gritting his teeth.

"Let's go, babe," Jungkook held your hand and took you from there. 


edited: 02-01-24
(this is the third-last chapter of this book^^)

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