17 | Epiphany

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After a long, long journey of just traveling and traveling and traveling, everyone reached the hotel during the evening time, and the plan right now was to just have dinner and rest.

The children were busy admiring the resort while the teachers struggled to gather all the students to make a final count of all the children present, which was to no avail at first but slowly, everyone gathered and the teachers began giving everyone instructions. 

"Not more than 3 people can stay in a room, and a girl cannot share her room with a boy and vice versa. No boy will enter a girl's room and no girl will enter a boy's room. However, if they are willing to meet, they can meet outside–in the lounge, in the garden–just not in their rooms. But that too only if a teacher is present there. Now, you can decide who you want to stay with and we'll give you the keys," Ms. Kim enunciated and right after that, everyone began chattering loudly and the place was once again chaotic, although everyone was deciding who to stay with. However, you'd already decided and it was obviously Joy, so you both got your keys and luggage and went to your room.

Although you were totally energetic, Joy seemed to be the quite opposite. Her face looked rather pale and exhausted. To confirm, you asked her, "Joy, are you feeling unwell?"

Joy nodded in response. "Sort of. I'm just tired. If I sleep, then I might feel better."

"Well then, you stay here. I'll freshen up first–you can go later."

Joy nodded in response and plopped onto the bed lousily. 

| time skip / dinner time.

You came downstairs for dinner, wearing comfortable shorts and an oversized tee since you had to sleep after this.

Joy wasn't here, so you decided to just talk to someone you know, so your gaze wandered around the whole room and your gaze somehow happened to land upon Jungkook unknowingly and he didn't seem to have company either, so you decided to approach him.

"Hey, Jungkook! This is really the first time I've seen you alone. Where's Jimin?" you asked.

"Well... he's right there, flirting with girls," he pointed in a certain direction, eliciting a chuckle from you.

"Why don't you join him, too?" you uttered in a playful tone.

"Well, I definitely don't flirt with girls I don't even know the name of," he scoffed as you both walked towards an empty table to eat. The tone in which he said it made you laugh. "You don't look like that though!"

"What is that supposed to mean? That I look like a playboy?" 

"Well... you're not the playboy type but somehow, you are popular in our school. After that basketball match–I can bet that every girl is a huge simp for you–" you suddenly paused with a baffled expression plastered on your face. "Wait, why am I telling you this?"

Jungkook smirked. "Well, does 'every girl' mean you?"

"Obviously not," you retorted, rolling your eyes whilst munching your food. Jungkook didn't make a cheeky response to that but cleared his throat.

"There's sauce on the corner of your lips," he mumbled.

"Huh? Where?" you asked with your delusional mind lingering over the thought of him removing it with his thumb, just like in the movies.

He handed over a tissue to you and tried telling you. "Just a bit to the right... hm, there," he instructed you, but at the same time disappointing you. 'Gosh. I seriously expected him to remove it with his thumb or something,' you groaned mentally.

"Hey... Y/n?" Jimin suddenly came, greeting you–however, unsure of your name. You nodded in response.

"Hey," you beamed. "You're Jimin, right?" 

He nodded in response. "Nice to meet you!" 

Jungkook looked at him with the corner of his eye. There he started with his flirting and it seemed to not come to a stop. Whilst you and Jimin talked, Jungkook quietly sat at the same table as yours, eating his food and almost ignoring you both–acting as if you both were strangers to him.

"Well, I'll be leaving now," you said since you'd finished your dinner. Jimin smiled charmingly and bid you goodbye. 

After you left, Jungkook cleared his throat and looked at his plate of food that was still full of food. "You didn't even eat your food. Is that how busy you were talking to her?" Jungkook snickered, a hint of jealousy lacing his voice; which didn't go unnoticed by Jimin. "Why do you look so pissed? Are you jealous?" Jimin teased with a cocky face. Jungkook rolled his eyes. "No, it's just crazy how you didn't eat your food just because you were talking to her. You're such a flirt," he remarked. 

"Okay, maybe I am. But you didn't look pissed when I was talking to other girls. Why only when I was talking to Y/n?" smirking, he picked up the chopstick, finally starting to eat. It was certain that he knew the answer and how he felt for her, but he just wanted to hear him say it for the record. 

After almost two minutes of silence, Jimin decided to put forward a hint so as to make him say it. "You like her, don't you?"

Jungkook looked up and blinked. "What?"

"You like Y/n," Jimin said in a rather suggestive tone than questioning. Jungkook took a while to think and shook his head, chuckling.

"No, I don't. She's just a good friend–"

"No one talks about their just a good friend all the time, nor do they get jealous when another guy is flirting with her. And no good friend stares at the latter all the time in class..." he paused. "And yeah, no one sneaks out with just a good friend during a sleepover."

Jungkook raised a brow. "You knew?"

"So that is true?" Jimin responded wittily. "Everyone suspected it at first, but now it's confirmed."

Jungkook huffed in defeat. 

"You like her," Jimin said–but this time with surety.
 "More than just a good friend. You like her a lot."


edited: 24/10/23 

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