25 | Mom's Watch

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"Fuck," you cursed. However, Jungkook remained still. He seemed least shocked, and that pissed you off. "Jungkook, mom and dad are home!"

"So?" he asked, absolutely unbothered. You shook your head.

"Maybe you should hide?!" you yelled in a sarcastic tone. Jungkook laughed. 

"Bad idea," he shrugged. "I guess I'll just le–"


"IN. THE. CLOSET. Now!" you enunciated and ran downstairs to open the door, revealing your parents. 

"Hi," you casually said, fixing your hair awkwardly.

"What took you so long?" your Dad asked. You made an excuse.

"I was in the washroom," you said. Your parents nodded and came in.

"Well... how was... the party?" you laughed nervously.

"Pretty well. Did you have dinner?" your mom asked. You nodded in response, although you hadn't because first, you were busy watching nonsensical videos on YouTube and then Jungkook arrived, leaving you with no time to eat dinner.

Your mom nodded and entered the kitchen while your dad watched TV on the couch.

You went upstairs to your room and opened the closet, revealing a heavily sweaty Jungkook.

"Why is your closet so hot?! Get me out of here!" he whisper-yelled.

"Mom might come anytime. I'm going to change, so stay here, quietly," you ignored him, took out your pajamas, shut the cupboard, and went inside the bathroom. Jungkook groaned. "I should've left sooner."

You came outside the washroom to see your mom wandering around in your room. "Hey, where did you keep my watch? I gave it to you to wear it, right?"

"It's in my closet," you casually answered. While you drank the water, you realized what you'd just said. Your mom was heading towards the closet Jungkook was hiding in.

She held the cupboard's handle and pulled it towards her to open it. Your eyes widened and you immediately spat out all the water you'd drank.

The door was partially open already, and Jungkook's foot was visible, but your mom turned around when she heard you. "Oh, Mom! I just remembered. I kept it in your room, so it's not here," you smiled as if nothing happened. Your mom facepalmed herself. "Look at the mess that you just made!"

You bit your lips. "Sorry, I'll clean it."

Your mom went to her room. When she was gone, you opened the cupboard. "Jungkook, go right now," you urgently whispered to him. Jungkook nodded and you shut the door. 

"Bye, love. I'll see you... soon," he dramatically said on the balcony. You facepalmed yourself. "Just go."

Not letting go of the drama, he dramatically blew you a kiss once again. You chuckled at his behavior and headed towards the cupboard to take your mom's watch out of it to give it to her. 

However, you found scratches on the wood inside the cupboard. 'I love you,'  it read. You guessed that Jungkook wrote it. You chuckled to yourself. 

"Hey, the watch isn't in my room and– and why are you all smiling and giggly, huh?" your mom raised a brow at you as she questioned your very suspicious actions. You immediately shook your head, trying to come up with an excuse. 

"N-nothing. I just happened to think of something awkward that happened with someone else today at school."

Your mom raised a brow at you, not satisfied with your answer. "Do you perhaps have a boyfriend?" 

Your face turned red as a picture of Jungkook flashed in your mind. "No, mom! I just want to focus on studies for now," you gulped, internally thanking your internal organ system for not making your cheeks turn profusely red. 

Your mom hummed in response. "Well, for now, that'll be a better choice."

"O-oh, and mom, here's your watch. I forgot that it was in the cupboard," you handed over the watch to her, grinning timidly.


edited: 08-12-23

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