Chapter Nine

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Darcy and Alastriona yawned in unison at the Slytherin table the morning after the Welcoming Feast.

Blaise snorted behind his hand, Theo looked beyond tired but smiled at them nonetheless. 

Draco was grinning at them across the table and shook his head at them with fondness, "Why do you two always end up this way the morning after getting to Hogwarts?" 

Alastriona rubbed her eyes clear of extra sleep, "Too many Fizzing Whizzbees." She groaned.

Darcy glanced behind her to the Hufflepuff table where Hannah Abbot and Susan Bones were sitting, and holding their heads in their hands. "They can't handle their sugar either." Darcy said plainly with a tiniest of smiles on her face. 

"Miss Mint." The girls turned and smiled at Professor Sprout, their Head of House, "Miss Breen, good to see you both again." Her friendly gaze went to Theo who was poking his scrambled eggs, "Mr. Nott, I'm very sorry for your loss and if you should ever need someone to talk to my office door is always open. As are the greenhouses." 

Theo sat up straighter and managed a nod at the professor, "Thank you, Professor Sprout." Was the only response he gave her.

She nodded and handed a sheet to both Darcy and Alastriona, "Your timetables."

Alastriona glanced at hers and frowned, Monday afternoon she had no class, "Professor," she skimmed the rest of her timetable, "I think you've forgotten my Ancient Runes class."

"No, I haven't." Alastriona eyebrows furrowed, Professor Sprout took a seat on the edge of the bench, "I took you out of the class."

"What?" Alastriona asked loudly. The whole group raised their eyebrows at her, "I mean... Sorry?"

Professor Sprout smiled kindly at her, "I know how much you hated the course, Miss Breen. This will give you time to study up more on Herbology, perhaps." Professor Sprout gave her a pointed look and stood up, walking back to the Hufflepuff table.

Alastriona grinned at the others, "She's amazing." She looked down at her timetable, "Oh, bloody hell! Why is Herbology is always first thing in the morning on a Monday?"

Her mates laughed at her and they chatted for a while before heading off to their first classes. 

Alastriona and Darcy went to their first class, Herbology, with the Gryffindors.

They were collecting bobotur puss. Alastriona felt ill. The class was going well... before Alastriona's plant exploded and the puss landed on her arm. She spent the rest of the lesson in the Hospital Wing with Madam Pomfrey. 

Once she was recovered, thanks to the miraculous skills of Madam Pomfrey, she went to her Potions lessons which they had with the Ravenclaws. It was uneventful, Professor Snape was calm and serious, his usual gloomy self. 

Alastriona, now not having an afternoon class on Monday's went to the library for the rest of the day, she decided it was probably best to study up on Potions at this stage, as Professor Snape was bound to make them brew something next to impossible before the year was up. 


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