Chapter Thirty-Two

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Alastriona couldn't sleep. It came as no surprise to her now as the dark circles under her eyes had turned to bags that wouldn't go away.
She watched her sleeping friends for a moment, it was early, the sun had only risen an hour ago and Alastriona was the first one awake. 
She rolled out of bed, tucked her feet into slippers, and went across the hall into the boys dormitory. She'd expected the boys in there to still be sleeping but they were gone and Alastriona cringed at who sat on Cedric's bed. 

Amos and Beatrice Diggory startled at Alastriona's entrance and she immediately backed away. "I'm so sorry, Mr and Mrs Diggory, I— I'll come back later." She stammered.

Beatrice Diggory stood up and came over to her, instantly enveloping the young girl in her arms.
"No need, dear, we're just here to pick up the rest of Cedric's things." She reassured Alastriona quietly. 

Amos stood up and offered a sad, tired smile to her, he was carrying a photo frame. "We actually just found this and were talking about you."

He handed her the frame and Alastriona held her breath in order to stop the sob that threatened to escape. 

In the photo Cedric was wearing his dress robes and Alastriona was in her black gown and she was fixing his slightly crooked bow tie, when they realised they were being photographed they both looked to the camera and Cedric gave a big cheesy grin and Alastriona stuck her tongue out at the camera.

"The Yule Ball." Alastriona managed to get out without her voice cracking. 

Amos and Beatrice nodded with tears in their eyes.
"Alastriona, dear," Beatrice said but she seemed to hesitate on her own words, "we were wondering, what was it that Cedric said to you before he left for the final task?"

"He—" He told me he loved me. 'I'd wait for you for forever and a day'. The words echoed in her head.  'Some things happen and they're just... right'. She couldn't tell them, she couldn't say the words. 

"He told me he was excited and how he was ready for it to be over, he just wanted to come back and celebrate, all of us together." Alastriona lied. She was happy she did when Amos and Beatrice smiled, their eyes were filled with tears but they seemed relieved. 

Amos cleared his throat and nodded. "Thank you, Alastriona." He patted her on the shoulder and gestured to the photo frame she was holding. "Keep that, he'd want you to have it."

Beatrice embraced her and kissed the top of her head. "We'd love for you to come visit in the summer, Alastriona. He would've wanted that, too." She said and Amos wrapped his arm around her shoulder, guiding her out of Cedric's dorm as the tears began streaming down the woman's face.

Alastriona waited until they left and then she went to Cedric's bed and crawled under the covers, she held the photo of them close to her and curled into a tight ball as she let silent sobs take over her body.

She cried until her eyes were swollen and her head ached and only then did she fall asleep, surrounded by Cedric's familiar warmth.

She cried until her eyes were swollen and her head ached and only then did she fall asleep, surrounded by Cedric's familiar warmth

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