Chapter Six

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Theo, Blaise, Draco and Dawn were all pleasantly surprised to see Darcy and Alastriona enter the Great Hall together on Tuesday morning.

Theo turned to Dawn, "So we're just going to ignore what happened yesterday, right?" He asked for confirmation.

Dawn shrugged helplessly. "I think so." She responded. "Red will talk to us when she's ready, we can't rush her."
They fell silent when the two Hufflepuff's got closer to the Ravenclaw table the group was situated at.

Darcy sensed the awkwardness when she sat down.
"Am I the only one who's extremely nervous about Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Darcy asked, buttering some toast.

Dawn rolled her eyes, looking beyond pissed off. "I wouldn't worry, Darcy," she said glumly, "she's the worst teacher we've had so far." She threw her arms int he air, "We won't be learning anything this year!"

They all turned to Alastriona but she didn't seem to be paying attention, instead she was staring in the direction of the Hufflepuff table, unable to tear her eyes away from it.
"I gave your sister detention yesterday." Alastriona blurted out upon realising everyone was staring at her.

Darcy's eyebrows scrunched together. "What was she doing?" 

"She and Olivia Goldberg were bullying a first year Hufflepuff." Alastriona explained. She subtly pointed out the small first year to the others. "Rose Zeller." Alastriona nodded at Draco, "You have any first years we could pair her with?" She queried.

Across the table, Theo snorted. "Here we go again!" He quipped.

"Hey!" Alastriona defended herself, "It's true!"

"What is?" Dawn asked cautiously.

Alastriona shrugged. "I just think every Hufflepuff should have a Slytherin friend."

Theo scoffed indignantly. "No, no- she thinks every student should have a group like ours." He explained to the table.

"I just think House's should interact more! We'd be a greater school if we weren't so divided." Alastriona pointed out. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Rose leaving the table alone to go to class.

"Draco," Alastriona grabbed his hand, "could you please--"

She didn't have to finish her request before he was up.

Draco kissed her forehead. "I'll make sure she gets there safe, love."

Alastriona mouthed 'thank you' to him.
Theo and Blaise stood up too, they'd be going to the same class as Draco.

Alastriona turned to Darcy, as did Dawn.
"Are you okay?" Dawn checked in with Darcy.

Darcy nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, it's just hard to hear, you know? My sister is picking on an eleven year old."

Dawn smiled sympathetically at Darcy. "She'll find her way, Darcy. It'll just take time."
Alastriona nodded in agreement.

Darcy didn't seem convinced. "We should get to class." She proposed, draining her tea before standing up. " Defense Against the Dark Arts, here we come!"

 " Defense Against the Dark Arts, here we come!"

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