Chapter Fifteen

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Theo Nott and Blaise Zabini were sitting in front of Alastriona on the edge of the Great Lake trying desperately to reason with her.

Blaise, usually calm and collected, ran a hand over his stressed face. "Please, just talk to him. Even if it's all yelling it doesn't matter, just talk to him." Blaise begged.

"I don't want to, I mean I want to yell but— ugh! Why did he have to go and say that?" Alastriona groaned and massaged her temples in an attempt to try and calm herself down.

"Red, he didn't mean to say it," Theo reasoned with her and Alastriona looked up at him curiously, "the only reason he said it was because you were there."


Theo held up a hand at her aggressive tone, "Just think about it. You've been saying you support Potter, then when Draco is talking to him you come along and stand by his side. That's all that Draco saw in that moment. You taking the side of someone he has spent years of his life despising." Alastriona went to interrupt but Theo wouldn't let her, "And no that doesn't give him the right to say what he did but haven't you ever been overcome with anger?" They all knew the answer to that.
Theo let out a heavy sigh, "This year has been bad enough already, Little Red, I just want all my mates together again."

Alastriona said nothing but forced Theo into a tight hug. "You're right, Theo."

She let him go after attempting to brush some of his sandy blonde locks off his face, he stared up at her curiously, "Where are you going?"

"I've got to go yell at him." She answered him.

At her words Theo glared at Blaise, "Seriously, did you have to tell her it was okay to yell at him?"

Blaise fumbled around his words, "I— well— I didn't think she'd take it to heart!"

Alastriona wandered up to the castle with no idea what she was going to say to Draco Malfoy.
She felt completely lost. Not only was she mad at Draco but Darcy had been avoiding her as well, and Cedric still didn't understand where she was coming from.
She couldn't help but feel as though she was losing everyone and yet it was only because she wanted to help someone else out and a part of her felt guilty whilst another felt mad because she shouldn't have to feel guilty!

That's when Alastriona saw him. Sitting dangerously close to the Whomping Willow and staring down at the lake, from where he was sitting he was able to see Theo and Blaise.
Alastriona realised he'd been watching them.
She didn't know where the sudden onslaught of emotions came from yet her eyes filled with tears and she sniffled. It caught Draco's attention and he stood from his little boulder, straightened his shoulders and readied himself to be yelled at.

The little red head marched towards him, tears in her eyes, lips quivering and an unreadable expression on her face. She didn't stop. Draco thought she was going to tackle him but she slammed into his chest and her arms wrapped around his waist and leant her head against his chest so she could hear his heart beating rapidly.

"Red..." He said softly as he rested his chin on top of her fluffy ringlets.

"I can't help wanting to help people. That's just who I am, I want to help as many people as I can in my life. Sometimes I'll help people you don't like but you'll always be first, you'll always come first. If you ever need me I'll drop it all."


"Never again." He stopped talking. "Never say it again. Please."

There was a long pause before he replied.
"Never again." He vowed.

Alastriona breathed out a sigh of relief. She hugged him even tighter. Neither of them were aware of eyes watching them from afar, burning with rage.

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