Chapter Twenty-One

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Due to their expanding group it was decided that instead of Christmas gifts this year a large party would be held on Christmas Eve, the day before the Yule Ball. 

It was kept a secret as no one wanted to get in trouble and potentially miss out on the ball.

The party was being held in an empty classroom that no one used anymore, Darcy and Theo decorated it, going as far as getting a small Christmas tree. No one wanted to ask where they took it from.

Fred, George and Blaise were in charge of food and drinks, most of which they'd... liberated from the Hogwarts kitchen.

The final job was Alastriona's and all she had to do was decide on a time and let everybody know, which she managed flawlessly.

Cedric and Alastriona arrived last, they snuck through the empty halls of Hogwarts to get to the classroom and found everyone already there.

Alastriona grinned at the site of all her friends in one place. Darcy, Theo, Blaise, Draco, Dawn, Fred, George and Lee were all peacefully interacting, it was like something out of a dream.

Alastriona smiled and went straight to Draco, she went up on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek. "Happy Christmas, Draco." She greeted cheerfully, settling back on the heals of her feet.

"Happy Christmas, Red." He replied and kissed the top of her curl covered head.

Dawn came over and forced a cup of butterbeer into Alastriona's hand, "You're finally here!" She wrapped her arm over the girls shoulder, "How'd you get here so late if you were the one to set the time?"

"I couldn't find my camera and I want to make sure we have lots of pictures." Alastriona defended herself, holding up the magical camera as evidence. 

"That's actually a great idea." Dawn said with a grin, she looked out to everyone and grabbed the camera from Alastriona. "Hey, you lot!" She called, getting everyone's attention, "Let me take a group photo!"

There was surprisingly no protest, they all gathered together, Darcy stood on one side of Alastriona and Draco stood on her other side with an arm around her waist and he placed a soft kiss on her head as the photo was taken.

Alastriona grinned at him after the flash was taken, out of the corner of her eye she saw Theo had wandered over to the window and he was simply gazing out at the night sky. 

Alastriona went and stood by him silently.

"It just hit me that it's my first Christmas that I won't be getting a card or presents from my mum..." Theo said quietly, for Alastriona's ears only. "It gets easier?" He asked, a twinge of desperation coming through his voice.

"It does." Alastriona looped her arm though his and reseted her head on his arm, "Sometimes it's a lot harder to get through holidays or even random days but it's unpredictable. I find it a lot easier now that I have you and the others by my side daily... I think it has to do with being surrounded by the right people."

Theo hummed quietly, took a deep breath and smirked down at her, "Yeah, well, we are pretty great." He smiled when she laughed at him and with her arm still in his he turned them around to view the room, "I was going to ask you to teach me to dance but it doesn't look like I'll end up going with anyone." Theo sighed dramatically.

Fred and George popped up beside Alastriona, "Going alone, are we?" George asked, wiggling his eyebrows at Theo.

Fred grinned, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, "Me too. George is going with Angelina but I decided I'd go stag for this one." Fred pretended to be dancing with someone else as he waltzed around the room by himself.

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