Chapter Fourteen

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Alastriona had never been around so many angry Hufflepuff's, well angry and delighted, they wanted to celebrate Cedric's success at being selected but they were also livid at the thought of Harry Potter being a competitor.

Try as she might Alastriona couldn't convince anyone that Harry hadn't entered his name, not even Darcy was believing her!

Alastriona waited until the end of the night when Cedric was the last one up, staring vacantly into the fireplace and she took a seat next to him, folding her legs underneath her she sat facing him.
"How are you?" She asked him softly.

Cedric turned his head to look at her and there was a soft smile on his tired face, "You were right. I was chosen." Alastriona smiled at him but Cedric sighed and ran a hand down his face. "And so was Harry."

"Not by choice." Cedric looked at her incredulously, "Cedric, there's no—"

"He told me he didn't put his name in but how else would he have been selected?" Cedric questioned her, he never usually got this upset but something about Alastriona believing Harry unsettled Cedric completely.

"Powerful magic is the only thing that got him into that competition and there's no way that Harry was able to do that." Alastriona grabbed Cedric's hand when he tried to stand and leave, "Think about it, Fred, George and Lee couldn't get past that Age Line, Harry's talented for his age but there's no way he could do it if even they couldn't."

Cedric pulled his hand away from her and took a deep breath, "I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Alastriona."
Her heart ached at the hurt in his voice and she slowly went up to her dorm room, Darcy was in her bed and looking at her, slightly mad with her brows furrowed.

Alastriona groaned, "Please don't look at me like that."

"Like what?" Darcy scoffed.

"Like I'm a bad person for believing in someone."

Darcy rolled her eyes, "It doesn't seem like you're believing him, it seems like you're supporting him over Cedric."

Alastriona couldn't help but think that Darcy was being ridiculous. "I'm not supporting Harry over Cedric, but could you imagine how Harry's feeling right now?"

"Probably pretty bloody happy with himself." Darcy muttered under her breath.

Alastriona groaned at the response and shook her head, "Fine, whatever, I'm going to bed." She shut her curtains and tucked herself in, there was no point talking to her if she wasn't going to listen.

Alastriona felt an urge to go find Harry Potter and give him a hug and right then she decided that was exactly what she was going to do.

Harry Potter seemed to be avoiding everyone

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Harry Potter seemed to be avoiding everyone.

Every time Alastriona caught a glimpse of him he disappeared. Even in Herbology Harry didn't so much as glance at her and when she went to try and talk to him after class he walked so fast that Alastriona had no chance of keeping up.

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