Chapter Eighteen

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Alastriona peaked her head out of the broom closet, reached a hand out and grabbed the arm moving past and yanked it, she closed the door behind them.
"Lumos!" She whispered, the light of her wand lit up Draco's wide eyes.

"What the bloody—" He hissed out, reaching for the door. 

Alastriona stopped him, holding the handle with her own hand to stop him from reaching it. "The Inquisitorial Squad, Draco, really? What in Merlin's name are you thinking?" Draco stilled and glared down at the Hufflepuff. "Did you have a hand in the DA being discovered?" She hissed out.

"No." He said through clenched teeth, "I helped to warn them, I helped a few of them get away."

"Then what... what're you doing with Umbridge?" Her voice softened, hand falling off the handle and fingers trailing over the raised skin of her scars.

Draco stepped closer, nearly overwhelmed with the smell of maple syrup filling the tiny space. "I'm protecting them, Alastriona. Which is more than I can say for you, all you're doing is making Umbridge more enraged by the day." 

Alastriona narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm doing my best, Draco." Her voice cracked on his name and she shook her head. 

"You're doing your worst and you know it. You were never like this before. You're risking—"

She scoffed. "Risking what? I have nothing left. There isn't anything she can do to me that I haven't already considered, I just don't care."

"You need to care." He said lowly, grey eyes darkened. "You think I want to be this close to Umbridge? Do you think I like being near that hag?" He steps closer. "Knowing what she's done to you... how she's hurt you... being near her makes me..."

Draco gently grabs her hand, staring at the words carved there, he runs his thumb over hers, the skin damaged, red and raw, peeling and flaking away.
"But I have to." He finishes, meeting her watery gaze again. "It's the best way to make sure she isn't on to you."

Alastriona's breath hitched. "Draco—" 

She quickly realised this was the closest she'd been to him in weeks, the faint smell of honey and sage washed over her, the heat coming off him incased her like a warm summer breeze and she stepped closer, unable to stop her feet.
Her gaze flickered between his darkened eyes and parted lips. She blinked away tears. He dropped her hand and she couldn't stop herself. Wrapping her arms around his neck she kissed him fiercely, not holding back. 

Her fingers snaked into his soft blonde hair and she revelled in the touch, Draco responded instantly, his hands planted on her waist, he closed any space left between them. She stumbled back into a broom, body against body. His hands wrapped around her back and pressed her tighter into him.

Alastriona's kiss was fervent, her lips parted and she could taste salt, feeling the wetness on her cheeks she realised it was her own tears she was tasting on his tongue. She stepped back into the broom again with a gasp and pushed Draco away weakly. 

"I shouldn't— I shouldn't have done that." She whispered, fingers trailing over her swollen lips. "I'm sorry." She couldn't bare to meet his gaze again and pushed past him, she ran out of the cupboard and down the hall, not knowing where her feet were taking her but knowing she had to leave all the same. 


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