Chapter Seven

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"Heidi, I'm sorry for letting you down but I just don't want to play quidditch this year!" Alastriona said for the umpteenth time as Heidi stalked behind her into the Great Hall on Saturday morning.
Alastriona wasn't trying to draw attention to their conversation but Heidi had been on her case all week and now she was just sick of it.

Heidi groaned, "Just tell me you'll think about it, please! You need to play, Red, you're a natural!"

They had now come to a stop just by the Hufflepuff table where Alastriona's friends were waiting for her.
"Heidi!" Alastriona snapped, "I'm not playing. I won't think about it. Just get someone else, anyone else, please!" 

Heidi had flinched at Alastriona raising her voice. "Fine. But I think you should know that Cedric would've wanted you to continue--"

"Don't." Alastriona warned. 

Heidi shook her head at the girl before her, "He was my friend too, Alastriona." Heidi left with one final glance at Alastriona.

Alastriona ignored the stares and sat next to Draco, she gave him a kiss before putting some pancakes on her plate and drowning them in syrup.
"So, I know it's the first weekend since we came back to Hogwarts but I really think we should spend at least a couple hours catching up on our homework." Alastriona babbled as she poured her tea. "I can't be the only one who's behind!" 

There was only silence in response.

Draco glanced at Darcy but she seemed just as lost for words, apparently she hadn't heard about this either.
Draco put a hand on Alastriona's back. "You're quitting quidditch?"

Alastriona simply hummed in response.

"Red," Theo said, Alastriona looked up from her pancakes, "why the bloody hell are you quitting?" Before Alastriona had a chance to defend herself Theo continued on, "You can't quit! You're too good at quidditch to stop, I mean, you're captain material." The others nodded along with him.

"I just don't want to play anymore." She said.

They were silent. 

"But... why?" Darcy asked.

Alastriona clenched her hands into fists under the table. "Because I don't want to, simple as that. I tried quidditch and now I'm done, I can focus on other things, like the terrifying amount of homework I have, being a Prefect and more embroidery. I just sent Arwen off with this cute little penguin I embroidered for my nana." Alastriona said with a tight smile. 

Draco withdrew his hand from Alastriona. "It's because of Cedric... isn't it?" He wondered aloud, doubt creeping into his mind.

Alastriona shook her head. "No, it's because of me. I don't want to play anymore." She said. She stood up, keeping the same tight smile on display. "I think I just saw Tracey slip out, I'll see you lot later."


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