Chapter Twenty-Three

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"No, really, I just want to get some reading done." Alastriona lied to her friends. 

Darcy nodded her head, "I'll bring you something back from Honeydukes."

Alastriona smiled her thanks. Darcy, Theo and Blaise left, Draco lingered and sat next to her at the Hufflepuff table.

"You sure you don't want to come?" He asked quietly. Alastriona frowned at him and he cringed, "I'm sorry. I know I've been... distant lately but I've just been trying to figure out a way to tell you something." He admitted, head hung low.

Alastriona slid closer to him and kissed his cheek, "You can tell me tonight."

He met her gaze and sighed heavily, thinking he was beyond lucky that she was so understanding. He kissed her once, twice and then left. 

Alastriona waited a few minutes until she left the Hall.
She could see her friends, walking together, they went into Honeydukes. Alastriona moved behind buildings, taking the long way to the Hogs Head Inn.

It was as dark on the inside as it was on the outside, everything was worn and aged.
Everything except Adelaide Zabini.
She was sitting in a dark corner of the pub with her cloak hood over her.

Alastriona approached and hesitantly sat down opposite the woman. Adelaide Zabini raised an eyebrow at her, "Not very inconspicuous."

She was, of course, referring to Alastriona's bright yellow sweater.
Alastriona smiled sheepishly, "Inconspicuous isn't really my forte." 

Adelaide nodded and smiled sympathetically at the young witch. "It's been a long time since I extended the offer to talk about Madrona. Why now, Alastriona?" 

"Alastair Moody." Alastriona stated. "He said something to me and he— he's been watching me, like he's waiting—" Alastriona lowered her voice and moved her chair closer into the table, "Waiting for me to go mad, like she did."

Adelaide shook her head, "You aren't going mad, Alastriona. Moody has always been paranoid."

"How do you know, though?" Alastriona asked desperately, "Tell me about her, please... about her journey—"

"You mean her decent into madness." Adelaide interrupted, voice hard. She sighed heavily, a sadness creeping into her eyes.

"Madrona was a brilliant witch. She was sorted into Slytherin and was a very beloved person. She and I instantly became friends and met Leanna not long after. Most people believe she went mad when she was seventeen, a year after her parents died but it was well before that."

Adelaide paused, unsure if she should be saying all of this to someone so young but she could see the need burning in those endless eyes of hers.

"When Madrona was fifteen she fell into the wrong crowd, I don't even know how she started talking to them but one day she just started spending time with them and not me and Leanna. Madrona became harsh and mean spirited. She'd bully other students, put hexes on them and she'd always be arguing with the professor's, causing trouble. She, of course, always made sure Elliot never heard about it. She kept it all secret and he was blind, so blind to her faults."

That was something Alastriona did not want to hear. It hurt in a way she wasn't prepared for.

Adelaide nodded sympathetically. "Madrona was only calm around Elliot, she was still and soft, she'd laugh and sit still while he drew her. Around everyone else there was madness in her eyes, a wild unpredictability to her. And she'd push people around until they'd break down or cave and gave her what she wanted." Adelaide stopped. "Are you sure you—"

"Yes." Alastriona answered quickly.

"Shortly after she turned sixteen, Madrona's parents died suddenly in their home. Your grandmother was a potions master and was experimenting at the time. Something went wrong one day and their entire cottage went up in flames from an explosion caused by one of her potions."

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