Chapter Seventeen

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Alastriona slid two Galleons discreetly into Giselle's palm as the dark haired third year passed her. She leaned against the wall, watching students crowd around the graffiti and snicker, turning to gossip to the person next to them, all wondering who'd done it. 

On the old, historic stone wall just outside of the Great Hall was a mortifying yet incredibly artistic coloured picture of Professor Umbridge, face transformed into a wart covered toad wearing a pink hat. There was a speech bubble on the left of her that read:


And coming from behind her, a skeletons claw-like hand reached for the pink toad's shoulder.

The bright colours caught everyone's attention as they walked by and soon enough Professor Umbridge herself was staring up at the work of art, using charm after charm to attempt to remove it, Alastriona chuckled as she walked away, knowing that the woman would never be able to remove it... not without a little help. 

Alastriona turned, ready to spend another day being ignored by her friends in Care of Magical Creatures, she'd be able to suffer through it while picturing Umbridge's horrified expression eternalised on the walls of Hogwarts.

Her feet caught on the cobblestones of the courtyard, distracted by Blaise and Draco walking right in her direction.
Blaise reached out and his warm hand wrapped around her arm, steadying her gently. He glanced at the hall where Umbridge was yelling at the students to move along, threatening detention if they didn't obey. 

"You need to be careful." Blaise warned her.

Alastriona pulled her arm back, crossing them over her chest, avoiding Draco's cold stare.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Alastriona said lightly, offering a tight lipped smile that threatened to crack the skin of her dry lips. 

"Alastriona," Blaise talked softly, hesitantly, "if she finds out then you'll have another message written—"

"Carved." Alastriona spat out, her eyes darted between the two Slytherin's. "Carved into me. Trust me, I know the difference between written and carved." She hissed lowly at them. "But it doesn't matter," she stood as tall as she could and flipped loose hair over her shoulders, "I haven't done anything wrong."

The silence was heavy between them and Alastriona's mind reeled over their words, moving past the fact they were speaking to her.
"How'd you know about my hand?" She questioned Blaise, intent on keeping her eyes off Draco, knowing it would hurt too much to peer into suddenly unfamiliar eyes.

Blaise shuffled on his feet. "Darcy saw it the other night when you'd fallen asleep on the couch in the—"

Alastriona nodded, a huff of laughter escaped from her. "In the Common Room. Right."

Blaise nodded slowly. "She said you aren't sleeping in the dorm anymore..." He waited for a response but Alastriona just arched a brow at him. "Where're you sleeping?"

Alastriona's feet began carrying her around the two, noticing Draco shoving his hands in his pockets when she moved past him.
"That's not your concern." She said, leaving them behind knowing full well she'd have to see them soon anyway and it would be another lesson spent staring at the ground wishing she were anywhere else. 


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