Chapter Thirty-One

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Alastriona Breen considered herself very lucky the evening of the final task of the Triwizard Tournament as she finished her dessert with Cedric, Amos and Beatrice Diggory.

Beatrice Diggory sighed happily as she looked across the table at her perfect son and the wonderful little witch he was sitting next to. She leaned forward and when the conversation paused she said, "I know you visit your grandparents in the summer but we'd love if you'd come visit us for even just a day over the holidays, Alastriona, you'd be most welcome."

Amos hummed in agreement. "Absolutely! Maybe we can even set up some small rings and the two of you can practice—"

Beatrice smacked him lightly on the arm and scolded him, "Oh, Amos! Must everything be about quidditch?" She jokingly asked with a small eye roll that made Amos laugh loudly.

Cedric glanced at Alastriona, hoping his parents weren't scaring her off but she seemed to be perfectly content as she watched them joke around.

Professor Dumbledore rose to his feet and that was enough to silence the chatter in the Great Hall. "Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes' time, I will be asking you to make your way down to the Quidditch field for the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament. Will the champions please follow Mr. Bagman down to the stadium now."

Alastriona's heart started fluttering nervously as Cedric stood up, the Hufflepuff House erupted into applause as he did. 

He leaned over the table and kissed his mother on the cheek and shook his dads hand with a big smile on his face. 

Beatrice began looking nervous but put on a brave face. "Good luck, sweet heart, I love you." She said quietly, so as not to embarrass him in front of his Hufflepuff friends.

Amos grinned at his son, "You'll do great, son! We'll see you after for the big celebration!"

Cedric laughed and his cheeks heated up, any nerves he had about the final task vanished when he saw the absolute faith in his fathers eyes. 

He ducked down to Alastriona. "Will you come with me for just a minute?" He asked quietly and she stood up and walked out of the Great Hall with him. He saw the other champions and Mr. Bagman waiting for him but he held up his hand, "I'll be just a second." He called out. They all nodded.

Cedric looked down to Alastriona and smiled. "You're nervous." He guessed. 

"It's the final task, of course I'm nervous!" She whispered back to him. "Aren't you?" She asked. 

Cedric shrugged, "No." He shuffled on his feet and took a deep breath. "I'm more nervous right here with you than I am about the task."

"Huh? Why?" Alastriona was stunned, she didn't want to make him nervous!

Cedric paused and thought for a second but he decided to say exactly what he was thinking.
"I love you."

Alastriona smiled at his words and nudged his shoulder. "I love you too, Ced."

Cedric ran a hand through his hair and let out a nervous chuckle. "No, Red. I love you." His words hit home. He decided to continue on before he lost his nerve. "I hate that it took me so long to realise it. I think it was when I saw you in the Great Lake, I've never felt so terrified... and then I nearly lost you again and it made me realise how important you are to me, how important you've always been to me. I know you're with Draco, and I know you're happy with him and I'm not asking anything of you, Alastriona, I just wanted you to know." He stepped closer to her. "I'll wait for you, Red, I'd wait for you for forever and a day. Fate."
Cedric shook his head, thinking back to the other night in the Common Room. "I think the timing for us was off and sometimes all I can think about is what if things had happened differently, if we'd met at a different time or if I'd realised how I felt sooner. But you and me, some things happen and they're just... right." Alastriona's eyes widened at hearing her own words. Cedric shrugged, "I just wanted to tell you, while I'm feeling courageous. It doesn't matter what happens tonight, I'll always be here for you and I'll always love you."

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