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Alastriona waved goodbye to Margo who'd just given her a hug and her address to write to over the summer.
Uncle Finn had yet to arrive at the station but Adelaide Zabini had come to collect both Blaise and Theo. 

She came towards them with her usual powerful aura and dark shimmering cloak. She embraced each of them. "I'm so sorry for your loss, all of you." She sighed and put an arm around Blaise's shoulder, she was only slightly taller than him now which was mostly due to her heeled shoes. "It's horrible to experience the pain that death brings, especially at such a young age and I hate that you've all had to suffer through it." Her eyes flickered to her surroundings, "Sadly, I do not think the dark times will be ending anytime soon." She kissed the top of Blaise's head and briefly cupped Theo's cheek. "I'll let you both say your goodbye's. Darcy, Alastriona, Dawn, Draco, I'm certain I'll see you all at some point over the summer."

With that she stepped away and occupied herself chatting with Mr and Mrs Weasley who seemed perturbed by her interest in conversing with them. 

Theo and Blaise went around and hugged each of their friends, Blaise didn't even hesitate. 

Theo ran a hand through his already messy hair and offered a tight smile to his mates. "I'll write. Constantly." He promised.

Blaise nodded in agreement. "So will I. And we'll have you all over as soon as possible." They all smiled at that. 

Alastriona waved goodbye to them and swallowed the lump in her throat. She felt entirely unsettled at the sight of her friends leaving. 

Dawn hugged Alastriona, Darcy and Draco. "My parents are here," they waved to her friends when she gestured to the couple, "we're going to Romania but they said they'd be happy to bring me back however often I like."

"Please be safe." Alastriona smiled but they could all hear the desperation in her voice. 

Dawn smiled and hugged her one last time. "Of course! I promise to keep myself safe as long as you all," she glared playfully at Draco, "promise to write to me."

Darcy looked between Alastriona and Draco, "I'll give you two a minute." Alastriona went to stop her but Darcy waved her off, "I've got to say goodbye to Lee. Oh crap, his parents are here too." She faked a cringe and winked at Alastriona before going over to Lee who was waiting for her with open arms and a mischievous grin. 

Alastriona threw her arms around Draco's neck and she felt his arms tighten around her waist. 

Draco sighed and ran his hand over her long curls. "My parents have just arrived."

Alastriona masked her disappointment as she stepped back from Draco's arms. 

He frowned at her, "What're you doing?" He questioned. 

Alastriona brushed some hair behind her ear and shrugged. "Your parents can't see me with you—"

She was shocked as he grinned, stepped towards her and kissed her.
Alastriona was stunned but returned the kiss with equal passion.
When she drew back he was still smiling down at her. 

"I don't care." He said and Alastriona remembered his parents were probably watching and her freckled cheeks turned bright red, this made Draco chuckle and he kissed her forehead softly. "I'll write to you as soon as I can, Red. I love you."

"I love you too." She replied without hesitation and with only the tiniest hint of guilt surfacing inside her. 

She backed away with a smile and turned to see Darcy standing with Lee and the Weasley's.

Mr and Mrs Weasley smiled tired but happy grins at Alastriona.

"Hi, Mr and Mrs Weasley, I just wanted to say thank you." Alastriona said quietly but it caught the attention of Fred, George and Ginny Weasley.

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