The Train Ride (Saxon Russet's pov)

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The doors silently shut behind us. The peacekeeper, who had been clutching my arm, loosened his grip and walked into another room to our left. I look round at the other reaped kids. Thor and Elixir are standing together, whispering, and looking smugly at Kain, who is shuddering, her body wracked with sobs. I can't stand it any longer. I put my arm round Kain, and guide her to the rooms, trying to block out Thor and Elixir's sniggers. I sit her down on the bed, and she looks up at me, her eyes brimmed with tears.
"I'm going to die aren't I," she says, "I don't want to die Saxon."
And then and there, I vowed to keep her safe, whatever the cost.
"Do you know Thor and Elixir," I ask, trying to keep the anger towards them out of my voice.
"They are from the gangs of orphan kids in the district. I guess they take out their losses on someone weaker than them"
"Well ignore them. I-"

Our mentor bursts in.
"Hey kids," he says smugly, grinning at me. I don't smile back. "My name is Winner. Because I didn't die!" He says, and erupts into a fit of giggles. "My real names Tom. But you don't need to know that. I can't be bothered to mentor another set of kids who are just gonna die in a couple weeks time. Anouk Oakheart eh? What an embarrassment." And with that, he turns and stalks out, knocking over some delicate glasses as he goes. The worst thing was, I don't think he was even drunk. The games have warped him into a mean, ruthless, selfish person. And he likes to inflict that pain onto others. I sneak out the room, so as not to awake Kain, who lies sleeping. And I go off to find Anouk.

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