The Post-Games interview (Kain's POV)

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I snuggle close to Caspar on the large sofa that has been provides for the four of us. We watch back the games, relive the horror. The bad thing is, I can clearly see how half the deaths in our alliance could probably have been prevented. We go through a range of questions, and we all have to pretend we love the games.
"How do you feel, knowing that all 5 of you were lucky enough to win the games?"
"We feel privileged and we all look forward to being mentors next year."
"Well then, I present to you the victors of the 750th annual hunger games!"
The crowd stamp their feet and roar with appreciation. Having 4 victors means that the will not be presenting us with crowns this year. The four of us stand at the front of the stage, holding hands and waving at the crowd. But are smiles are fake. There should be five of us here. Lana, if she does live, will help us mentor, but in the background. She will never be recognised as a victor.
We walk off the stage, still smiling. Our smiles drop as we go down the corridor. There is a whole load of troubles ahead of us...

Thank you so much for your support with this book. It's my first one, and I will be writing a sequel in which Kain, Caspar, Emilé and Tomasž become mentors. Please comment here if you think that Lana should feature in the sequel.  The sequel is called 'a team game' - it is MUCH better than this book😂.

Ok, thankyou to everyone who has commented and rated this book, it means so much!  Also thanks to people who have submitted characters into the sequel, that is now CLOSED as I'm writing it now;)
Please check out the sequel, AND THANKYOU V V MUCH FOR 1.4k reads:):):):):):)

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