The Games (Caspar's POV)

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We walk as quietly as we can through the forest, flinching every time someone steps on a twig. The cannons from the bloodbath finally go off, I counted 18, we were lucky to only lose one person from our alliance. I keep getting that prickly, uneasy feeling that someone is watching us, but I try to ignore it. Kain has her arm round Piper, who is completely distraught, I think her and Lucas were an item. No one knows what happened, but it can't have been good. Finally, Saxon stops.
"Let's camp here for a night. Everyone get up a tree." Everyone does as he says, each person keeping their precious water with them. The Capitol seal plays, we see all the faces of the dead tributes. None from 1 or 2, 4 dead from 3, 1 dead from 4, which is surprising, 2 dead from 5, another 2 from 6, 3 dead from seven, Lucas from district 8, none from9, none from 10, 3 dead from 11 and three dead from 12. Soon, it is silent apart from the deep breathing of the others. I'm exhausted, but I want to stay on look out, just in case. However, the trees are dense, and after a while I drift off...

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