Chapter 69 ~ Aestus

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For the first time, she was glad of the strict updos that were fashionable in ancient times. A tiny strand came loose at the nape of her neck and immediately stuck to her skin. It had been almost unbearably humid for days and by now she longed for a really nice Italian storm that would flood all the streets within a few minutes and disappear just as quickly. After that, the air would probably just be warm and not so humid for a short while at least.
Thirsting, she resisted the urge to fan herself with her hand and turned her attention to her reading. The library was the coolest room in the whole palace, and she tried to fill the time when Gaius was going about his duties with literature. The princeps' private library was very impressive and at first, she had had great difficulty deciding on a work. She had never heard of most of the authors, or their writings had only survived as fragments with other writers and some of the works were in Greek. In short, this place was every classical philologist's paradise and she loved it with all her heart.
But it was not only the sultriness that bothered her. By now her own belly seemed enormous and she noticed how pregnancy was affecting her. She was lumbering, sluggish and needed more sleep.
Suddenly she heard a soft drumming and raised her head. Fascinated, she watched the thick raindrops dripping like tears against the glass of the windows. Abruptly, the rain pattered more heavily against the window and the light in the frame diminished rapidly. With a sigh, Aurelia put the scroll aside, rose heavily and left the library. In the middle of the corridor stood Agrippina, frowning at the sky. Silently she joined her friend. Thunder rumbled menacingly and just as Aurelia was about to say something, she felt water running down her leg. Agrippina registered that something was different. With a jerk, she turned her head and examined Aurelia from head to toe.
"The child is coming," she murmured more to herself, and Aurelia was already about to retort something ironic when suddenly a wave of pain seized her body. Agrippina's hands were already at hand, supporting her. The pain quickly subsided.
"Come, I will take you to your chambers," Agrippina declared, pulling her along. As they turned the corner, a young slave girl was busy lighting the oil lamps.
"You!" cried Agrippina, and the girl froze in motion. "Fetch the doctor and midwife at once! Send a messenger to my brother immediately..."
"No," Aurelia interrupted her in a commanding voice, pointing out the window. "No one is to leave this building until the storm has abated!"
The girl nodded and turned on her heel. Agrippina muttered something unintelligible and helped her on. Outside Gaius' and her chambers, Julia was already waiting for her. The intervals between contractions grew shorter. Panting, Aurelia collapsed on her bed. The thunder grew louder, and Aurelia tried to breathe evenly. Belana appeared on the threshold.
"We can't find the doctor, milady," she said softly. "The midwife is visiting her sister today and has not yet returned"
Julia gave a low whimper and Agrippina gave her a punishing look while Aurelia tried to work out what this meant for her.
"Is there really no one in our whole house who has already brought a child into the world?" asked Aurelia, trying to ignore the pain. She hated pain and in her whole life she had never felt anything like it. She felt like she was being torn in half.
Belana disappeared from her sight and Aurelia closed her eyes. Again and again, she told herself that this was not the end. Suddenly a hand came to rest on her shoulder and, fluttering, she opened her eyes. At the edge she registered Julia leaving the room. There was already a birthing chair in the middle of the room. Agrippina squeezed her shoulder, smiling.
"Look," she said softly, pointing to the door. "They have found a slave who can help you"
Breathing heavily, Aurelia raised her head and watched the little person washing her hands in a bowl. When the little woman lifted her head and smiled kindly at her, Aurelia knew that everything would be all right. With quiet steps, the good Sophia came towards her, radiating such calm that Aurelia forgot the pain for a moment. Thunder rumbled, a new contraction seized her body and Aurelia could no longer hold back her cry.

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