Work Appropiate

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"I don't understand why you're worried," my little sister, Olivia chirped, "you're perfectly capable of getting your job done effectively and sexily." I frowned as I took a long drink from my Starbucks coffee. "I just feel like I won't be as good as everyone else," I whispered, the anxiety dripped from my words as I glanced at the large building in front of the coffee shop we sat in. "When do you start?" Liv asked. "In twenty minutes, I need to make my way over." I stood up from my seat and smoothed my black pencil skirt. Liv glanced up at me with a wide grin beaming like the sun.

"What?" I asked. "You finally did it," she whispered in awe, "you beat the statistics. I'm proud of you, fam." I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "I look good?" I spun around as I showed off my skirt, pressed white blouse, and peach blazer to spruce up my mood. "Have a great day today, Adrienne." I nodded as I walked out the building and crossed the busy New York street to Lourdes Law Firm.

I took a deep breath as I walked up the steps to the firm. I gawked internally as I walked inside and pressed the button to my floor. I slowly stepped in and found myself quietly freaking out. "It's going to be okay," I whispered. I heard the ding and stepped off onto my floor. There wasn't much on the floor I was assigned to, but a few small desks outside of a larger office that was blocked by blinds.

"You must be Adrienne?" A voice boomed.

I turned around and saw a blond, blue-eyed man smirking. "I'm Ezra, the other assistant for these people. I'm so glad I finally get help." I relaxed when he extended his hand with a genuine smile on his face. "Hehe, thanks. I'm a little nervous today." "Don't be, this is a breeze, dear." Ezra led me to my desk and leaned on it. "Well, this is it. I deal with A.B. and you deal with Tristan. They'll call you or email you if they need something." "You mean...the Lourdes brothers..? The partners of the firm?"

Ezra nodded as he took a seat at his desk. I took a seat at my desk and took out my laptop. Not soon after, there was a ping alerting me of a new email. I quickly opened the mail app and saw who it was from.

Good morning Ms. Monroe,
You have earned this job because of your intelligence and keen sense of the law, now you have to work harder to keep it. As my assistant, your obligation is to assist me in any and everything involving the work place. Any other help will be rewarded with a slight bonus if I feel you deserve. I have a list of expectations you need to sign, so you know what you're up against. Please go down the hall to the right to my office.

-Tristan C. Lourdes, partner of firm

Ezra whistled behind me. "You better make your way on down then. Don't want to keep that one waiting." I frowned as I stood up and quickly went down the hall and to the right. I knocked softly and nearly jumped out of my skin when someone shouted, "Enter!" I slowly stepped in and saw an all black figure hunched over the desk. His hands were slightly shaking and he the empty coffee cups showed he had been here for a while. "Good morning sir," I said softly. The man looked up and I felt my blood run cold. The chilling blue eyes burned a whole in my chest as he examined me slowly. I decided to do the same. The speckled, brown and gray hair showed he was well into his thirties almost forties. The stress lines on his model-esque face showed he was a hard worker, and the way he glared at me showed he was about business only.

"This isn't a fashion show, Ms. Monroe," he flatly stated. I frowned and apparently he noticed. "Do you oppose my observation?" He asked. I shook my head. Mr. Lourdes smirked. "Good, here is the list of expectations. Read and sign it if you want to keep your job." He nonchalantly handed me a sheet of paper with barely any writing on it. I frowned in confusion.

As the assistant to Mr. Tristan Lourdes, I have accepted and agreed to the obligations below:
1. I will be on time everyday with anything Mr. Lourdes needs prepared before he arrives.
2. I will not object to any observation Mr. Lourdes makes whether he's right or wrong.
3. I will fulfill any duties Mr. Lourdes asks for, personal or professional.
4. What happens in the office, stays in the office.

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