Lourdes Legacy

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I walked into work with a pants suit on just in case Mr. Lourdes had a fit. "Lourdes wants to see you," Ezra said. I groaned immediately and didn't even put my briefcase down as I walked to his office. "Yes sir?" I stood there in front of his door. He waved me in as he was on the phone. "I had a wonderful time Hector. Of course, I shall bring her along more often. Would you like to hire her?" Tristan laughed and I realized how gorgeous of a smile he had. As soon as he hung up, he whipped around and glared at me.

"What the hell was that!" He shouted,"you get in there and you show your ass! Literally, all professionalism out the damn window." "And what are you doing now?" I muttered. "What was that?" I shook my head. "This is only day two, and you're already pissing me off," he whispered. "Good, it's time someone went against you and stopped treating you like some damn princess." The silence in the room was deafening. Mr. Lourdes sat back and I watched his jaw tightened. "Get out. Out the building!" He ordered. "You know what! Fine! Don't come knocking at my door later on! Hector Saratoga, just signed a contract employing Lourdes Law Firm as his personal lawyers and his lawyers for his company for the next five years because of me! So, if you feel like I'm stepping on your toes I will take my ass and leave!" I hollered.

I stormed out of the office and past Ezra. He looked shocked as he saw me damn-near punch the button of the elevator. "Monroe wait!" I turned around and saw another man walking towards me. "You must be A.B." He nodded. He had the same icy blue eyes as Tristan. "I heard everything...please don't walk out on him right now. He's..dealing with..personal issues." The younger brother smiled and grabbed my hand. "You really are needed here. Tristan, thinks you're amazing...he just has a really crappy way of showing it."

I glanced at Ezra who was looking for some type of miracle in me. I sighed. "Fine.." I walked back to my desk and sat down. "I'll handle him," the younger brother said. He smiled and quickly left and entered the office. Ezra stared at me. "You sounded like you were about to kill him." I shrugged. "He was pissing me off." I huffed as I began working.

I hadn't heard a word from Mr. Lourdes and it was almost lunch time. I walked to the break room and grabbed my food out of the refrigerator. I sighed as I heated up my food and sat on the counter. I rubbed my eyes and let out a tired groan. "I apologize." I nearly jumped out of my skin and turned around. Mr. Lourdes was leaning against the door with a cup of coffee in his hand. "I forgive you sir," I whispered. "No you don't." He walked over towards me and sighed. "Monroe, I'm stressed. I currently have an issue where my blood is thinning and I randomly bleed from my nose. I shake like a crackhead going through withdrawl and I can barely keep my composure together."

"Are you asking for sympathy?" I asked. My boss shook his head. "Never, I'm simply asking you do what I say without protest." I nodded. "I can do that sir." "Thank you." The microwave pinged and I hopped off the counter. "Would you like some?" I pulled out the shrimp alfredo pasta and stirred it with my fork. I handed him my fork and offered him some. Mr. Lourdes shrugged as he took a bite out of my food and nodded. "Who made this?" "I did sir. I cook when I'm stressed," I joked. I ate some and sat back on the counter. "Sit sir. We have to be able to have a decent conversation without yelling."

Tristan sighed and his demeanor quickly changed. "I don't mingle with the employees," he firmly stated, "get to work." He hopped off the counter and left out the break room like nothing occurred. I glared at the empty space where he once was and shook my head. "Dammit.."

I walked to my desk and saw a bouquet of roses waiting for me. I glanced around and realized no one had been by here. The elevator dinged and I whipped my head around. "Ezra, do you know who's responsible for this?" I asked. Ezra had a mouth full of food and his brows furrowed in confusion. "What?" He mumbled. I pointed to the bouquet of rose and Ezra instantly ran to my side. "What is this?" He asked. "Didn't I just ask you the same thing?" I hissed. Ezra shrugged. "I mean..a bouquet of roses is nice. It could be from one of the lawyers. You are pretty attractive." "I thought no lawyers were supposed to come up here unless with a specific agenda with one of the partners," I quoted from the handbook.

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