Tell Me What You Want

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I woke up that next morning and checked my email on my laptop. I sighed as I looked at the new message I didn't recognize. "I don't know this email.." I slowly opened it and saw a long letter that was addressed to me.

 Dear Adrienne,

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you. I know, you might not like me, but I think you are a beautiful, savvy, and intelligent woman. You make my days brighter with your presence and you never cease to amaze me in everything you do. I see you everyday in the office, but I never have the nerve to truly say something to you. I always bitch out just when you approach me. You know who I am...

~Your secret admirer

I slammed down the lid and stared blankly into the air. It can't be Tristan..I refused to believe it. I let out a long sigh as I crawled out of the bed. Last night, I was given a pair of silk pajamas to wear and to be honest, I hated it. I could t see how rich people slept in those things! I threw the silk pants and shirt off and shuffled around in the drawers of the room. I found an old t-shirt with Princeton University athletics on it. I put it on over my head and watched in drape to my knees. "This feels better." I found a pair of too big basketball shorts and settled for those.

I heard chattering down the stairs and decided it was time to make my presence known. The aroma of food filled the air and my stomach instantly growled as I entered the kitchen, Tristan and A.B. were busy fussing. "Tristan, I'm not fucking him." "That's a damn lie. You and I both know you can't keep your dick in your pants." I cleared my throat loudly and watched the brothers turn around.

"Nice going bitch," A.B. hissed. "Good morning Monroe," Tristan said calmly,"I see you've made yourself comfortable." He gestured to my clothing and I nodded. "Problem?" I asked. Tristan merely shook his head as he continued cooking. I took a seat at the counter next to A.B. and sat patiently.

"Monroe, I have a question." A.B. flashed a Cheshire Cat grin at Tristan and turned to face me. "So, let's just say there's this certain someone that I'm working with. And I like them very much. I've even had a few intimate moments with this person." I frowned as a listened to the story. "I don't think I have a say in this sir." "Of course you do," A.B. chirped, "I'm screwing Ezra." I spat out my orange juice as I never realized Ezra was gay. It never occurred to me that my co-worker was a promiscuous little assistant.

"" "So, I want to take him out on a date, but Tristan thinks that not a good idea. I'm not being professional, but I'm a grown-ass man. I can do whatever I damn well please right?" "Uh.." I stared at Tristan, who simply, sipped his coffee as he stared at me expectantly. "Well...sir, follow your heart. If you do have interest in Ezra then you would pursue them without thinking about what others may think of you," I calmly answered. Ezra grinned. "This is why she's likable Tristan."

A.B. walked out of the kitchen and onto the patio, leaving my boss and me in an awkward position. "Monroe, I apologize for my behavior." I glanced up at him. "It's okay sir, things happen." "But I do have feelings for you," he admitted.

I felt my stomach drop as the words lingered in the air. "What do you mean?" "It means, our relationship is slowly becoming understand." The icy blue eyes left a cold feeling in my spirit. "Something wrong, Monroe?" I shook my head as I forced myself to become quickly engrossed in the orange juice I had in my hand.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you," he ordered. Instantly, my eyes shift up to my boss, who towered over me. "Something is troubling you. What's wrong?" "It's nothing sir." "Stop lying to me Monroe, an emotionally disturbed assistant only makes the boss meaner. You wouldn't like me when I'm mean." "'s nothing I'm fine." I finished my glass and put it in the sink. I turned around and ran into his stone hard body.

"Fine," Tristan whispered, "but at least let me do this." I began to ask a question, until his lips touched mine. My eyes widened initially and slowly began to close as his lips tenderly sucked mine. I felt my hands claw at his shirt as I struggled for air. With superhuman strength, I pushed him back into the cabinet and looked down at the floor. When I gathered the strength to look him in the eyes, I found my stomach tightening. "What just occurred?" I whispered.

"I made the first move." "The first move!" I hollered,"I didn't know we were fucking making moves!" Tristan frowned. "I was born at night but I wasn't born last night, Monroe. I know when a woman is interested." My jaw nearly hit the floor. "Are you that confident in yourself! I wouldn't be with you if you were the last man on earth." Tristan nodded . "Sure," he said, "then what's that?" He gestured towards the over-sized shirt I wore. "I didn't like those silk things I found last night." "So you just happened to find my shirt?" He asked. I was getting frustrated and this conversation was going no where.

"Do it again," I challenged. Tristan frowned. "What?" "Do it again," I simply whispered. Tristan caught the hint as he stepped closer and smirked. He towered over me by at least a foot. "I have to do whatever Mr. Lourdes asks with no hesitation," I quoted. Tristan smiled and leaned closer towards me. His lips hovered over mine and just as we were about to kiss, he straightened up.

"I make the move on my own terms."

Tristan walked off and left me staring into the space. My jaw tightened as I felt my blood boil. My boss was playing with my feelings and I had no time for it. I quickly dialed a cab company and asked them to take me back over to Manhattan.

"Yes..okay thank you." I hung up as I changed into my clothes from yesterday and brushed my teeth and put my hair up. I quickly scribbled a note to Tristan and A.B. and left it on the coffee table as I walked out to the car.

Tristan was a man that didn't know what he wanted, and I didn't have time to play games with grown men.

 Author's Note: This new set up to write is so weird *insert stressed out face here* but it's okay. So I'm almost done with school, it's exam week and I'm exempt from everything but spanish..ugh..but I will be writing more frequently now that I'm not nose-deep in school work. See you this summer :)

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