Personal Assistant

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Adrienne led me through Chinatown and didn't care about the fact she was getting my leather customized black Cole Haan's dirty in the filth. Adrienne was hell-bent on taking me to some local restaurant on the south side of Chinatown. "New York Noodle Town?" I hesitantly asked. "Yes! This place is amazing. The best lo mein, dumplings, and tea on this side of the world!" Adrienne responded. We walked through the busy side walk and reached the small restaurant. A lady greeted us and asked if we could wait five minutes.

I immediately frowned and began to protest. "Tristan, the world doesn't cater to you," Adrienne responded. She huddled against me as the cool air would come in as people came in and out the restaurant. "Okay sir your table is ready," the old oriental lady said pleasantly. "About damn time," I muttered. Adrienne frowned at my comment and led me over to a booth. We took a seat and the lady set tea out for us. Adrienne poured it for me and I took a little sip. I let the liquid burn my tongue and I sighed in content.

"This is delicious," I whispered. Adrienne smiled in triumph as she poured another glass of tea for me. The bitter, yet savory drink began to warm me up from the inside out and I felt a smile twitch my lips. A waitress came over and placed menus in front of us. She crossed me on the left and not the right, I began to protest until I felt a sharp kick to my shin. Adrienne knew what I was about to do and proceeded to shoot me a dirty look. "I'll have the order of dumplings and the Shanghai lo mein please ma'am," Adrienne sweetly informed the waitress. I was still searching for something slightly appetizing on the menu to order and just settled for what Adrienne was having. "The same," I bluntly stated. The waitress rolled her eyes and muttered something in Mandarin. 

I understood exactly what she said but chose to ignore it. Adrienne looked at me with an expectant look in her eyes. "What?" I asked. "Nothing," she squeaked. Her eyes seemed to shimmer in the dim lighting and she had a radiant glow to her face. "How's your hands?" She suddenly asked. I frowned immediately in confusion. "Huh?" She pointed towards the ugly red mark on my hand and I covered my hand up. "It's fine," I quietly responded. I avoided eye contact with her as I rubbed my knuckles gently. Adrienne didn't push the subject any further and she began to sip her tea. I began to read the menu like it was the most interesting thing in the world. 

"Here is your food for the lovely couple." The waitress set our steaming food down in front of us and instantly my stomach growled. "Thank you," Adrienne sweetly replied. She pulled out her chopsticks and began to eat. I followed and let the hot steaming meat and noodles hit my stomach. I let out a soft sigh. "Good huh?" Adrienne asked. I nodded. "Delicious." Adrienne smiled proudly and continued to eat. She eat her food quietly but I could tell something was gnawing at her. 

"How come Tabitha isn't mentioned at all in the company records?" She blurted out. 

My stomach dropped as she spoke of my twin sister, one who isn't welcomed in the Lourdes law building. I put my chopsticks down and frowned. "I'm sorry," Adrienne whispered, "but I needed to know. You're so damn secretive and-" 

"How dare you ask about my family!" I hissed. Adrienne froze and her eyes widened. "How dare me? Tristan, I'm your goddamn personal assistant, key word personal. I have to know these things. A.B. mentioned some things to me about her and-" 

"What did he mention?" 

"What?" She asked dumbly. 

"What. Did. He. Mention?" I replied. 

"He mentioned that he wants his part of the inheritance. He's thinking about pulling out of the business and giving it to Tabitha. That's what he wants." I felt the restaurant begin to shrink around me and my vision became blurry. "Tristan? Sir? You okay?" I shook my head as my medicine took it's hold on me and before I could mutter anything else the last thing I heard was Adrienne's loud shriek of my name. 


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