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The next week was filled with nothing but flirty looks, soft kisses, and subtle touches. Tristan was so calm and sweet in the office. He showed me the other parts of the office including where all of the other lawyers are in the lower half of the building. I had my arm around his as we walked to a store on Fifth Avenue to shop for the annual Lourdes Charity Gala.

"You want me to be your date?" I asked. Tristan nodded. He was bundled up in his coat and scarf. "I would love for you to be my date...I think you would be lovely on my arm, haha!" He teased. I rolled my eyes and hugged him. We walked into Saks Fifth Avenue and I gaped quietly.

"It's beautiful!" I whispered in awe. Tristan walked to the counter and spoke to a cashier. "I have a dress on hold for Lourdes." "Yes sir," the woman quietly said. I looked up at him and frowned. "You picked my dress out??" Tristan flashed a mischievous smile and shrugged. "You'll like it I promise," he whispered. I frowned and turned to the cashier. "Is there a dressing room on this floor ma'am?" The woman nodded and directed me to a white door to the left. "Thanks." I took the garment bag from her and walked to the room. "Need help?" Tristan jeered. I rolled my eyes. "No thanks." I closed the door behind me and mentally prepared to see what this man had ordered for me.

The maroon colored gown threw me completely off at what I was expecting. It was backless and had a small dip in the neckline. It flared out into a mermaid style and it seemed to be fitted. I slipped the dress on and stared at myself in the mirror. "He's pretty good at this," I whispered. I opened the door and stood there. Tristan was busy on the phone chatting in French. When he finally turned to face me, he froze. Tristan whispered something and hung up.

Tristan's face grew into a wide grin and I began to laugh. I felt like a goddess in this dress. Honestly, I was going to order a simple black dress from Windsor and call it a day. "Michael Costello designed it. I roughly guessed your measurements and I guess I was right." Tristan walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Please let me buy it." I laughed. "I do like it...but it's so...expensive.." Tristan scoffed. "No it's not. I represent Costello." I sighed but let the man have his way. I went back into the room and slipped it off. I handed Tristan the garment bag and let him pay for the dress. "Thank you sir," the cashier said graciously.

We walked out the store and onto the busy avenue again. The brisk air seemed to be biting at my skin as I pulled my scarf up my face some more. Tristan's hand wrapped around mine as we continued walking down the street. "Where do you wanna go next?" Tristan asked. I frowned. That was a very vague question to ask in a city like New York. I could say Chinatown, Little Italy, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Spanish Harlem....

"Let's go to MoMa!" I blurted out. Tristan's smile twisted into a small grimace. "You sure Adrienne...the Met is better." I shook my head. "Museum of Modern Art," I sternly said," I want to look at some Picasso sculptures and they have an exhibit on Martin Scorsese-" "Okay baby," Tristan boomed. I paused. "Baby?" I asked. Tristan's face turned from the usual pale into a bright red. "Yes," he firmly stated, "I just thought you would enjoy the Metropolitan Museum of Art instead..they have rooms dedicated to the classic European history, Egyptology, and even a fashion wing...with vintage Chanel designs from when she first started-"

"Picasso," I retorted.

Tristan sighed and smiled. "How about we save MoMa for a better day..and head back and have some alone time?" He whispered. His suggestion seemed promising and I flashed a smile at him as we walked back to his apartment in Midtown. We walked into the empty apartment and I laid my garment bag on the counter. It was just how like I remembered it. The stack of records in the corner and the record player going. "A.B. is in Upstate for a few days so I'm here alone." I nodded as I took in the apartment.

The strong scent of men's cologne, cigars, and alcohol filled my nose. It was an interesting mix to my nose and mind. "So..." Tristan said. I turned around. He was leaning on the railing of the stairs with his arms crossed. "What are we?" He finished.

Never in my life had I thought he would ask me this...what are we? What a simple sentence with a complex answer. "Man and woman," I joked. "No no." Tristan shook his head as he stepped towards me. "You and I?" I shrugged. "Special...special friends," I replied. Tristan smirked. "How special are we talking?" His hands began to run over my body; caressing and lingering over curves. "Special enough to touch," I whispered.

Tristan chuckled as he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. Soft and tender... Brown against white, blue within brown, blonde against black. His lips began to kiss my neck and I let out a soft sigh. The kisses grew rougher and eventually I felt him leaving hickyes and I turned away in shock. "I have a job y'know," I teased. Tristan rolled his eyes as he took a small step back. "I know...I gave it to you." Tristan glanced down at me with a mischievous look in his eyes. "Fine..."I whispered, "come over here and finish what you've started." Tristan came through and stepped back over and positioned himself between my legs and wrapped his arms around my waist. We began kissing and damn did it feel good. My hands began to fumble with the buttons of his shirt and I struggled as I couldn't focus. In one swift motion, Tristan moved my hands and ripped the shirt. "You couldn't just asked for help, princess," he growled in my ear. Princess!? Oh my Lord in Heaven...

I moaned loudly as Tristan's tongue teased me....down there. I don't even remember how I even got into this predicament! Last thing I remember was making out against the couch and now I'm sprawled across my boss's bed half naked with his head in between my legs. I pulled on his dark blond and gray hair as I arched my back. "Oh shit!" I exclaimed. When was the last time I even climaxed like this...never... The air escaped my lungs and the temperature sky-rocketed as I orgasmed. I closed my eyes as I tried to recover. I felt Tristan sit up and rest his head against my stomach. I heard his heavy breathing synchronize with mine. "Damn," I whispered. Finally, after what seemed like forever, I opened my eyes and looked down. Tristan's eyes were barely opened as he sat up. "How was that?" He asked.

"Are being cocky sir?" I asked. He shrugged. "You did orgasm, you were pulling my hair, I heard you use every expletive in the American English language." I shrugged. "Maybe I was hyping you up." "No enjoyed that and I'd be glad to do it again." Tristan bit his bottom lip after that and I felt my cheeks get hot. "Well Adrienne," he suddenly said in his professional voice, "would you like to stay here for the evening?" I smiled and nodded. "I'm too lazy to move anyways." Tristan laughed. "Okay, well I'm gonna go change." He placed a small kiss on my forehead and left. I looked around his room and realized Tristan had an amazing view of Times Square. The lights seemed to illuminate the dark room and it was amazing. Pink, blue, white, teal, orange, and red all danced in the New York night. I gasped in awe. The simple black and grey room was the location of a spectacle. Tristan came back and laughed softly. "I know...this is why I love New York. The lights never seem to stop for no one. It puts me sleep...all the lights in this bland room. I love it." I didn't realize that Tristan only had on a pair of black Calvin Klein boxer briefs. "Here." He handed me a too big t-shirt and a pair of Calvin Kleins obviously his to sleep in.

He walked to the other side of the bed and climbed in. I turned my back to him as I took off my top and my bra and put on the New York University t-shirt but omitted the Calvins. "I'd rather go commando," I admitted proudly. I heard Tristan make a small noise in surprise as I laid down. He wrapped his arms around me as we stared at the lights. The soft rhythm of his breathing fell into stride with mine. The heat from his body made me warm all over and I smiled.

"Goodnight Tristan."

"Goodnight princess," he whispered before placing a tender, loving kiss on my neck and falling straight to sleep.

I wonder how long this Tristan will last?

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