The Loft

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I fixed my hair in the mirror of the office and smoothed out my dress. Ezra busted through the door and he propped himself against the mirror, staring daggers into me. "What's wrong?" I calmly asked. Ezra's pale skin was turning red with...anger? "You know damn well. You're sleeping with Tristan and you've been pushing me away in the process? Have you even checked on your sister lately?" He hissed. I frowned as I touched up my lipstick. I don't even know how I let Tristan talk me into wearing this color, it looks hideous on me..

"Adrienne are you even fucking listening to me?!" 

"I am! Olivia is a college student and she knows how to handle herself in the world. I have a job..a promising career!" Ezra shook his head and had an odd look on his face. "Have you looked around lately ma'am? You're not yourself...just..take a moment and get your head out of your ass for at least an hour. You'll see what I'm talking about." 

Ezra walked out...leaving me in the stifled air left from his anger. I walked out of the bathroom and stared blankly into space. "Hey." I turned and saw A.B. He had a concerned look in his eyes. "You heard everything?" I asked softly. He nodded as he placed a supportive hand on my shoulder. "Ezra has been...dealing with things," A.B. softly said. He sipped his coffee cup quietly. I noticed his youthful glimmer was dim and he had stress lines. 

"Nothing, he's in a bad mood." A.B. walked off in the direction Ezra went, leaving me confused. "What the heck." 

I walked into Tristan's office and saw him sprawled on the leather couch with his jacket as a makeshift blanket. "Babe---sir?" I bit my lip as I let the endearing term slip out my mouth at the office. I remember his words after I woke up next to him. He was fully dressed with a cup of coffee in his hand. 

At the office I'm Mr. Lourdes, Sir, Tristan, but not and I repeat not: baby, babe, sweetie, honey, nothing of those sorts. 

I looked around and saw papers everywhere around him. I looked down and noticed they were police reports, news articles, and certificates of death. 

"Charles and Tatiana Lourdes...killed?" I looked at the newspapers and stared in horror. The New York Times and The New Yorker covered their deaths. Even Time mentioned how influential Charles was. I looked at the cover and stared into Tristan's father eyes. He was staring menacingly into the camera but yet had this eerily comfort about him. The same killer blue eyes stared back at me as the man had light brown hair and the same angular structure Tristan's own face had. 

There were reports about a rumored murder-suicide and many other theories. 

"No wonder he's the way he is."


I jumped and dropped the papers as Tristan rubbed his eyes. "How long have you been awake?" I asked softly. "Enough to hear you talk to yourself about this." My head dropped in shame. Shit. "What's this all about?" I asked, pointing to the articles and files littering the floor. 

"I've been suspicious about their deaths for a while." "What do you mean?" I asked. Tristan bit his lip and shook his head. "It's nothing. Did you check on the attorneys on the lower floor and see if everything was okay?" I nodded. "I gave the files to the head of that department like you said and made sure everyone had their number of invites they needed for the gala." Tristan smiled. "Good girl." He stood up and kissed my forehead. 

"Hector raised me but he never told me anything about their deaths." I completely forgotten about Hector, Tristan's mentor. He was busy running his accountants firm and travelling the world and being an old creep in his spare time. "He never told me what happened them. I was only nine when it happened, but it feels like I was never told something." Tristan bit his lip and shrugged. "What's wrong Adrienne?" Tristan was examining me; up and down. "Ezra is upset with me. Have I been distant?" I asked softly. Tristan shrugged. "Have you checked on Olivia lately?" I shook my head. "Call her." I nodded. "I will-" "Now. No person should feel like their sibling is abandoning them." I nodded. "Right." 

I quickly dialed Olivia's phone number and I smiled when I heard her voice. "Hello?" "Livy! Oh my goodness, I'm sorry I haven't been around. I feel like an ass." She chuckled. "It's've been busy. I'm fine. I miss my sister though." I sighed. "I know. I miss you a lot. You think we can have a girl's night tonight? I'll order that stir-fry shrimp thing you love so much from Mulan." "Deal! As long as you bring a case of beer." I frowned. "You know I don't drink beer that much anymore. I'm more of a wine girl." "Is it because of that tight-butt Tristan?" Tristan frowned at the comment and rolled his eyes. "No, I'm getting older and I'm trying new things. I'll see you tonight okay?" "Okay sis, see you tonight." I hung up and looked at my boss. 

"Good job," he whispered. He placed a tender kiss on my forehead and hugged me. "Why are you so affectionate now? I thought you hated me when we first met." Tristan nodded. "I did, but I can't help it. I'm into a woman that can put me in my place." Tristan winked and I laughed. "Good God Tristan. How did I end up working here again?" "Your ass made me say yes." I punched him in the shoulder and packed up my things. "Well I guess I need to go and get ready." "You have fun okay." I nodded. "Yeah I will. See you later Tristan." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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