Forgive Me Father..

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I stared into the flame as I burned my suit from last night. I puffed on the cigar and drank the Scotch quietly. Adrienne had the day off today and I decided it was best to do the same. I called up the head of my security team and asked him to put a detail on Adrienne. "But don't let her know," I added, "I don't want her rebelling against me." I hung up and sat on the patio of the Long Island Lourdes mansion.

I felt something vibrate in my pocket and looked at the notification.

Take medication!

Flashed across my screen. I sighed as I calmly hit ignored. I heard someone walk through the back gate and I sat up. "Hi," A.B. said. I sighed. "I heard what happened last night. You killed a man?" I shrugged. "More like I was doing the Good Lord's work," I whispered, "he was going to rape her. He was going to rape my Adrienne. I couldn't let him defile my crown jewel like that. How would you have responded if some sleaze off the street forced himself onto Ezra, your fiancee? Hm?" A.B. was quiet. "I would intervene, but not like how you did. What if somebody saw you? How would you have explained that? 'Oh, I killed a guy that was about the woman I've become dangerously infatuated with'."

I glared at my brother. "Are you done?" I hissed. "Yes. I. Am." I rolled my eyes. "You wouldn't understand how I felt when I heard her screams. It was like my heart was being yanked out with a knife." I shook my head as I heard them again. I watched as the last of the suit was burned and I poured water on it to extinguish it. "Tristan, how long has it been since you've been to your doctor?" A.B. asked. "What the hell are you implying?" "Nothing brother."

My glare grew as I walked back into the house and into the kitchen to make myself breakfast. "Tristan, I just worry about you. Some days you're yourself then other days you're..this different person. If you even want to have a tiny chance with that girl, you're gonna have to get control of the other side." I drank the last of my Scotch and shrugged. "He is under control." "I can't tell," A.B. whispered. "Then don't speak on subjects you don't know of," I hissed.

A.B.'s blue eyes widened in surprised then he shrugged. "Okay. I won't..but don't call me when you're in some cell that smells like shit asking me to help you because I shall not. Not anymore Tristan Lourdes." I felt my jaw clenched as I eyed my little brother down. "I wouldn't ask for your help anyways."

A.B. shrugged. "Fine. Oh, is it a good time to tell your that your sweet crown jewel is thinking about putting in her two week's notice?" I froze. "What?" "Ezra talked to her. He said she sounded worried and out of it. Adrienne was talking about how this profession might not be her niche." "She's just scared...she's not thinking about it on a serious note. Her emotions have the best of her. I'll call her today and check on her."

"Take your meds," A.B. ordered, "I have no time to deal with...him."

I took a seat in the library and dialed Adrienne's number on my phone. "Uh..hello?" "'s me..Tristan." There was a pause until she cleared her throat. "Hello sir. Did you need something I-" "No no..I was just calling to check on you. Make sure you're okay." "Uh yeah, I'm fine. Just a little hurt and about you? With the whole blood and knuckles things." She chuckled dryly. "I'm fine. A couple bruised knuckles but nothing life-threatening." "Listen sir...thanks for staying last night...I appreciated it a lot." "No problem. You haven't discussed this with anyone have you?" There was a pause and then she finally spoke. "No, I haven't, but I am considering changing my profession."

"Why is that?" I inquired, struggling to control my anger.

"Because...I just don't think this is for me." "Well, if that's how you feel.." I abruptly hung up and grabbed my coat. "Where are you going?" A.B. asked as I pushed past him. "Confessional."

I pulled to Saint Rose Cathedral and immediately felt like this was an impulse decision that I was sure to regret. I walked into the church and grimaced as I casually tossed a bill into the donation box near the door and continued on to the confessional.

"Is he in?" I asked a near-by nun, who was walking by. "He's always in my child," she replied mechanically. I frowned. "Not him," I spat pointing to the brown-hair, blue-eyed man on the cross, "I meant Father Mendoza." "Oh," the old nun chuckled, "yes he is." I rolled my eyes as I entered the confessional and crossed myself.

"Forgive me father for I have sinned."

"What is it my child?" The man whispered. "Father, I've done some awful things in my life...but not like last night.." "What happened?" "I hurt a man," I answered shakily, "very badly...but I had to protect the woman I loved."

"Is that all?" "No...I put the man in a coma," I lied. "Don't fabricate the truth in the Lord's house son," Father warned. "You're right...I killed a man. I've killed many men Father. You were there when I was bloody, confused. You said a demon captured my spirit and held it hostage like a thief in the night. You cast him out many years ago. I'm afraid he isn't..completely gone.."

"Oh ye of little faith," Father said,"you allow him to take over because you don't protect yourself." I sighed. "I guess. Thank you Father."

I exited out of the confessional and left out of the church. Damn, did that place give me bad memories. I sat on the bench outside and let the breeze whip past me quietly.

"What the hell happened last night?" I looked up and saw Father Mendoza glaring down at me. His clergy attire quickly disposed of as he was in a basic black shirt, jeans, and leather jacket. His face radiated pure annoyance. "So..things got a little out of hand." "You kill-" Mendoza paused when a young girl paused to speak to him. He flashed his killer smile and hugged her affectionately.

As soon as she left, Mendoza turned to face me. "I don't have time for your shit Tristan. Get it together. I have evening mass in an hour so I need to get ready." Mendoza shot me a look that was a mix of pity and anger. "Good God, you're a basket case," he muttered.

Author's Note: so people even read this story? if so I can't guys should comment and vote before I delete*awkward silence* the picture is depicting Father Mendoza aka my Venezuelan man lol

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