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I listened to them. I listened to her. The way she talked, the way she laughed; everything was different. This Julian guy had her full attention and he certainly caught mine too. They talked for three hours last night. Three. I remembered how I clutched the covers close towards me as I heard her faint laughter, which seemed to mock me in my despair. I wanted to have her, but she was no longer in my reach.

Or was she...

I sat quietly in the living room watching some documentary on the History Channel. At least it wasn't rubbish reality TV. I was the only one up as far as I knew. The dying urge to check on her was unreal. I slowly crept around the apartment and walked down the dimly lit hall to her room. Adrienne's door was wide open as she was sprawled across her bed asleep. Her phone still in her hand. I frowned immediately but suppressed my growing disappointment in her. I gently pulled the phone out her hand and put in on the charger next to her night stand. I straightened her up as best as I could without awakening her. I placed a cover over her body and quietly watched.

"I just wish...I could make it worth while y'know," I whispered softly to her.

"Make it worth it your time. He seems to be worth it," I spat, referring to her suitor, Julian. "Don't you feel the same way I feel about you? I killed a man for you, Adrienne. I began to focus on getting better just because I know my chances with you would be enough...but you don't seem to appreciate me sometimes." I sighed as I stroked her hair and watched her intensely.

"This Julian doesn't pose a threat to us...but if he does. I just want you to know I will do everything in my eliminate him. Don't be a fool, Adrienne," I warned...

Later that morning

I was back on the couch again, counting sheep but that wasn't working. This Julian was already getting deep under my skin but I knew I shouldn't worry so soon. I didn't want another situation. That's the last thing Father Mendoza needs is me stumbling into his church in the middle of the night, bloody and confused.

I pushed that dark memory out of my head as I heard someone walk into the room. "You awake?" She whispered. I turned my head to see Adrienne rubbing her eyes like a child. " hungry?" I asked. She shrugged. "Livy and I usually shuffle around the place pointlessly until we're hungry enough to actually make something." I laughed softly. "Well, I guess I could make something," I suggested innocently. Adrienne paused and her eyes widened. "Oh really?" She challenged. "I'm not just some pretty face in a pretty suit Adrienne," I flatly answered. I walked into the kitchen and searched out ingredients for omelettes and waffles. "Well then. I guess I can go back to sleep," Adrienne teased. She walked towards the couch and curled up where I was asleep.

I occupied myself with breakfast as I pushed those dark thoughts out of my mind. My phone rang and I asked Adrienne to answer for me. "Hello? Good morning A.B. How are you?" I frowned as I held my hand out to hand me the phone. She sighed as she handed it to me. "What?" I whispered. "Where the fuck are you? Are you with Adrienne?" "Yes-"

"Your doctor called..."

I paused and felt my blood run cold. "Tell him I don't need his silly therapy or his medicine anymore. I'm somewhat happy." "Tristan I'm worried-" "Don't be," I hissed. I glanced at Adrienne as she changed the channel to some station called BET. "I have to go now." I hung up and shoved the phone in my pocket. "Breakfast is ready," I announced. Adrienne walked over and whistled. Her eyes lighting up at the sight of the food. "Good Lord you're a gifted man." Adrienne hugged me from behind and nestled her head into me. "You're pretty damn amazing when you're not cooped up in your office all day."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "It's just one of those times when I'm in a good mood." Adrienne smiled as I turned around. "Livy isn't here. She has early morning classes at NYU, today. So it's just us." God has found favor in me, I thought. Adrienne and I took a seat at the table and shared our waffles and omelettes. She got up to grab some juice from the refrigerator. "Sorry, we only have pineapple juice. Livy is on some juice cleanse for the next few days." I shrugged. "It's fine." Adrienne paused for a moment to close her eyes. I awkwardly stared at her as she muttered something under her breath. "Amen." Okay then.... "So it's Sunday..and the office is closed on Sunday," Adrienne said. I nodded.

"Shall we go out?" I asked. Adrienne's face slowly warped into a full fledged grin. "We shall." Adrienne stood up and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Thanks. I'm going to go get ready okay?" I nodded as my face flushed red. Adrienne left and I found myself smiling like a fool as I cleaned up. I put on the dishes back where I found them and walked down the hall. Adrienne was in her room and called me in there. I poked my head in and answered. "I cleaned your suit for you and your boxers while you were in the shower last night. Here." She stood up from her vanity and grabbed my suit and boxers. "Don't worry. I wasn't being a pervert." I laughed. "I wouldn't have mind." Adrienne laughed. "Go go. I'm getting ready."

I put back on my suit and patiently waited. Adrienne walked out of her room in a pair of form-fitting jeans, a black sweater, and a pair of boots. I whistled as she turned around. "You look beautiful," I said suddenly. Adrienne grinned. "Why thank you," she replied,"perfection should never be rushed."

Adrienne walked up to me as she fixed my collar. "Don't want my boss looking messy." I laughed and rolled my eyes. "I'm never messy, my dear. Just a little unorganized." "What do you think messy is?" Adrienne joked. Her laughter eased my nerves as I felt my hands caress her waist. Adrienne paused and glanced down. "Tristan, don't lead me on like this." "I'm not..I'm pursuing." Adrienne looked up at me and her jaw clenched. "Then quit leading me on, and do something about it," she whispered. Her sudden anger lit a spark in me and kissed her. I pulled her closer to me.

We fought for dominance but Adrienne quickly submitted as we stumbled towards the couch and fell. Adrienne pulled back as she caught her breath. "What are we doing?" She whispered. "What we should've done a long time ago." She smiled and pulled me into her. The kisses were hot, the touches were dire, everything seemed like we need each other.


I snapped out of my fantasy and glanced at her sideways. Adrienne looked at me funny and chuckled. "Okay we need to get you out of here before you lose your mind." She grabbed my wrist and led me out the door and down the hall to the busy streets. "Where should we go?" I asked aimlessly. 

"I have no earthly idea. I just wanted to get out the house," Adrienne answered sweetly. "I love wandering around New's interesting to see what you might find." She glanced up at me as we walked side by side. "Kinda like how I found you," she added thoughtfully. I looked down and saw her with a distant look in her eyes. "Yeah," I whispered, "like you found me." 

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