The Model

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I read, re-read, and re-re-read the address over and over again. Tristan stayed smack in the middle of Times Square in one of the apartments at the top floor. When, I finally reached the building I typed in the number he told me to and waited for the door to unlock. For some odd reason, anxiety ran through my veins as I walked through the lobby with its marble floors and mahogany furniture.

I pressed the button to floor thirty-six. I adjusted my jeans and loose fitting baby blue shirt. I slowly approached the door and knocked. The door flew open and Mr. Lourdes stood there with a frown already etched in his face. "It's 8:33, why are you three minutes late?" "Sir, the subway-" He cut me off by holding his hand up. I clamped my mouth shut and slowly entered his home. I was taken aback by how gorgeous his place was. The penthouse was decorated like something out of an old movie. The smell of freshly cooked food fill the air and I realized I hadn't eaten.

"I had the staff prepare breakfast for you. I have to handle some business over the phone then we will leave."

I nodded, completely dismissing what he had just said. I walked over to the kitchen and let myself indulge in the prepared food. I pulled out my MacBook and began to review the schedule for today. I checked my email to see that Livy's professor emailed me with the subject "Excessive Talking." I groaned as I closed the computer shut and continued to eat my breakfast.

I drank some of the orange juice and looked around the apartment. In the corner was an old record player with stacks of records that looked well used. I tiptoed over making sure Mr. Lourdes wouldn't catch me snooping and picked up the first album. "Earth, Wind, and Fire?" I whispered," I didn't know Lourdes was a soul man."

I came to find out that he had records from Otis Redding, Isaac Hayes, to Queen, Pink Floyd, and Blondie. My boss had a fascinating taste in music. He even had a Liberace record. It was hard to fight the urge to put on one of these records but I had to fight it.

"Are you pleased?"

I jumped in fear and knocked over the stack of records. He smirked and shook his head. Mr. Lourdes walked over and I realized how relaxed he looked. He had on a pair of dark blue jeans, a loose t-shirt and a black leather jacket. "Don't worry. I'll get Marietta to clean up. We need to leave." I nodded and followed him out the door. I had to quicken my pace as he strutted down the hall to the elevator. We each stepped in and he pressed the level to the ground floor.

I fidgeted in my heels and felt somewhat. It's only been a few days and he already makes me feel inferior. "You look beautiful today." My train of thoughts ceased as I processed what he just said. "Sir?" I asked softly. "I said you look beautiful today," Mr. Lourdes repeated again. "Well thank you sir." I glanced up at him and realized he was smiling softly and I felt myself smile too.

We reached the ground floor and stepped out into a parking garage. Mr. Lourdes led me to his Audi and opened the door for me. I climbed in and we sped off onto the street. "We're not going to the doctor's anymore. We're heading to the shoot in the Hamptons." I whistled in response. "The Hamptons? Oh wow, this sounds amazing. I got to have some wine from up there and maybe I can look around the boutiques and-"

"This isn't a vacation," Tristan bluntly stated. I frowned. "Why not? We can't have any fun?" I asked. "I didn't hire you as a best friend. I hired you as an assistant." Tristan shot me a stern look and I sat back. "Okay," I sadly said. We sat in silence as we drove out of Manhattan to the Hamptons. "How long is the drive?" I asked. "Two hours," Tristan stated. "What?! Well, what the hell are we going to do for that long?" "Language, Monroe." I sighed. "Am I allowed to take a nap?" I asked nicely.

"Go ahead." I smiled and reclined my seat back. "Wake me up when you see the Kardashians," I joked. Tristan groaned at my stale sense of humor. I closed my eyes and curled up as much as possible. I heard Tristan turn on some music and softly began singing to it. I smiled internally as I realized the music was Charlie Wilson...

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