Embedded in Imperfections

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I buttoned up my top as I walked out of the dressing room and spun around in front of my sister. Olivia shrugged. "It's cute but it doesn't say you," she flatly responded. I frowned. "I guess not," I replied, "but it's cute though." Olivia rolled her eyes. "Are you getting it?" I shook my head. "If you don't like it then I know it must be something gravely wrong with it," I teased. Olivia flicked me off as I stood in the mirror. "I'm gonna go change and I'll meet you at the register." "Okay."

I took my time changing out of my clothes. Ever since I talked to Tristan a few days ago; he seemed distant and somewhat disturbed with what I told him. I had asked him if he wanted me to come in today and he simply said my services weren't needed today. I frowned as I glanced at my phone, hopelessly waiting for him to magically text me. This is pathetic, I thought. I put my phone in my purse as I walked out of the dressing room. I paid for the few items I wanted and left out the store. "Where to next?" Olivia asked. I shrugged and was about to answer until I felt a vibration in my back pocket.

 If you're by the Barnes & Noble on Fifth Avenue I need you to pick up my order please. It's under my name. It's already paid for so nothing to worry about -Tristan

Olivia frowned. "I know you aren't about to go get this man's book are you?" I bit my lip. "I am his assistant." "Don't you think it's creepy how he texted you right as we're walking towards it." "He just got lucky that's all." "Lucky my ass," Livy hissed, "that's weird."

I rolled my eyes as I walked into the two-story Barnes & Noble store. I couldn't help but wander around as I went upstairs to look for my own books. I found myself stumbling around in the young adults section and picked up a couple of books on the way back down. I walked up to the cashier, a tall brunette man with clear blue eyes. What is it with me and blue eyes?? "Did you find everything okay?" The young guy asked. "Yeah," I said sweetly. "That's good." "I have an order under the name Lourdes. It should be paid for." The guy nodded as he handed me five books. "Damn," I whispered. He chuckled. "Your total will be fifty-four, seventy." I handed him my black card. "Umm...this is really cheesy," the guy said,"but you're really cute...beautiful and I was wondering if I could see you sometime?"

I smirked. "Oh really....Julian." Julian sighed. "Listen you can say no.." "No..I wouldn't mind...I'm Adrienne." "I know," Julian said, "credit card." I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Well...here.." I grabbed his hand as I wrote my number on his skin. "Call me," I challenged as I took my credit card from his hand. "I will."

I grinned as I walked away from the store with my bags in my hand. I felt my phone vibrate again and I paused to answer it.

"Yes sir?" "Can you bring those to the office?" Tristan asked rudely. "Sure.."

I frowned as I walked towards the office. I called Livy and told her I had to run by the office for a minute. I pressed the button in the elevator and patiently waited. "I guess days off don't exist in here." I stepped off and realized no one was in today, which was odd. I walked down the hall and knocked on the door to Tristan's office. The office had never been this quiet...

I knocked softly on the door and stepped in. "Hi," I softly greeted. Tristan looked up and smiled weakly. "Hello." I walked over to his desk and handed him his books. "I noticed you ordered a lot of books on mental illness...are you getting your degree in psychology anytime soon?" I teased.

Tristan laughed faintly and shook his head. "No...just researching. We needed to update our policy on some things." Tristan closed his laptop and took off his glasses. "How long have you been here?" I asked, noticing the covers and pillow on his couch. "Since yesterday morning. I needed to catch up on case work."

"Good God, Tristan you smell," I whispered in disgust. My boss frowned. "You need to get home," I ordered. Tristan sighed. "Can't do that. A.B. and Ezra are there and yeah I don't want to hear my little brother ask, "what's my name?" at two in the morning to his assistant." I laughed. "What about the fancy house you have?" "Bad memories," Tristan casually answered. I sighed. "All right. Pack your stuff sir. We're having a sleepover." My boss began to protest but stopped as I grabbed his laptop and his leather messenger bag.

"Come on. We need to get home in time so I can catch Empire," I joked.

Tristan awkwardly stood in the middle of my apartment with all his stuff in his hands. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's...big." "Well yeah. You expect me to live in a dust closet? You do pay me fairly well," I teased. Tristan shrugged as he awkwardly made his way around the apartment. "Adrienne is that you?" Livy asked. She shuffled into the room with her eyes wide as she looked at my boss.

"Umm...who's the tall, white man in our apartment?" She blatantly asked.

"Olivia, this is Tristan. Tristan meet my sister Olivia." Livy paused and her eyes began to widened. "You mean? You're-wow..." She glanced at me sideways and shook her head. "Nice meeting you Tristan. If you need me, I shall be in my room. Where I don't have random white men parading around my place of refuge." I rolled my eyes as she walked back into her room. I waited until I heard the door slam to speak.

"Well, you're going to be staying on the couch. If that's okay with you?" "Even though I have no choice," Tristan softly answered, "you're the boss now. This is your place. Tell me where to go." I chuckled. "Of course...you're going to be staying here. I'll grab some more blankets. You really need to shower, so you can use Livy's. Don't worry about clothes. I'll find you something, but other than that...that's it. So..goodnight."

I walked out the living room, leaving my disorientated boss in there to make do with what he had. I noticed I had a message on my phone and I quickly began to smile when I saw who it was. I dialed back the number and paused.

"Adrienne?" "Julian...hi..how are you..?" I shyly asked...

"I'm good now that I'm talking to you.." I laughed. "I guess you could say the feeling is mutual...so tell me a little about yourself..."

Author's Note: gotta watch out for men with blue eyes...those the ones that be doing that crazy shit XD

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