Work, Work, Work

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After what seemed like the longest weekend of my life, I was finally back at work and feeling better. I was rapidly typing up a a report as I spoke to a German banker about transferring some accounts of clients of mine.

I hung up after hitting a dead end and paged Adrienne. "Yes sir?" "Coffee, black please," I ordered. I rubbed my eyes as I glanced at the clock. It wasn't even halfway through the day and I was already done with it. Adrienne entered my office wearing a form fitting navy blue dress and a pair of nude...pumps..? I think that's what women call them. Adrienne's long hair that used to cascade over her face like a curtain was now pulled back into a conservative bun on her head.

I watched her set the cup up and pour it with such grace. She glanced up at me and smiled softly. "Something you want Tristan?" Adrienne asked. I chuckled as she no longer felt the need to address me by my title. "Mr. Lourdes," I corrected, "and yes but I'm afraid I won't be able to get it.." She let out a soft little, "Hmm," and set my cup in front of me. "Anything else you need? I'm going to help Ezra and A.B. with the planning for the Gala this year." 

I damn near forgot! The Gala! "That is in a month isn't it?" Adrienne nodded. "Do I need to make arrangements to Steinberg's to get new measurements?"I shook my head. "Adrienne can we talk for a second?" Adrienne frowned and looked up at me with inquisitive eyes. "I find myself in a compromising position every time we're near each other. There's this..carnal" 

"To what?" Adrienne was now standing in front of me with her hands on her hips. She was getting impatient and so was I. I felt this weird..sexual tension between us...sexual tension! I caught myself from saying anything else stupid and quickly put my hand over my mouth. "Tristan I don't have time to play games with you, if you don't tell me what's going on with you I'm walking out the door and not coming back." The ultimatum threw me off completely. I was stunned. No one had ever forced me to make a choice...I was always given an opportunity to think about.. 

I watched Adrienne head to the door and before I could catch myself, I was up in an instinct and had slammed the door before she could leave. "What the hell Tristan!" I put both of my hands on her face and I kissed her with all my might. There was something about this woman that I just...needed. Adrienne's body, stiff from surprise was now slowly melting against my arms and she was pushed herself against me. Hurriedly, I twisted the lock on the door and stumbled over to the couch. Adrienne was still clinging onto me and when she finally opened her eyes...she looked...happy? 

"Dammit Tristan. I'm glad you finally caught the hint." I chuckled and went back to kissing. Adrienne was a crazy-good kisser. Her body was beginning to push against mine and I realized she maybe wanted more. I began kissing against her neck and letting my hands explore her body. I glanced up at her and paused. "What do you want me to do?" I asked softly. Adrienne frowned. "I'm asking for consent," I explain. Adrienne flashed a sweet smile and chuckled. The answer that came out of her beautiful mouth made me go off the deep sexual end. 

"Just touch me, sir." 

My heart rate tripled and I did as such. The kisses were getting rougher, the room was getting hotter and before I knew it my jacket had been thrown off and my shirt was undone. Adrienne dress was slightly hiked up to reveal those gorgeous, toned legs and her conservative bun was long gone. I was kind of embarrassed with myself...I wanted to more so much more, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Not here in this office. I stopped Adrienne from nearly squeezing me to death from her tight grip and sat up. "Later," I whispered. Adrienne let out a groan and sighed. "I can't just have my way with you in my office...I work here and plus that's nasty." Adrienne chuckled and laid down again on the couch. I smiled and rubbed her leg and then smacked her ass playfully. My phone rang and we both looked at each other. "Should I?" Adrienne asked. "You can." She rolled her eyes and answered the phone. Her sweet, professional voice was such a contrast from the way she looked. Her dress was nearly hanging off her body, her hair was a wild nest, and she was bare foot. "Okay thank you." 

"Tristan, Hector is coming to see you." I sighed and stood up slowly. My body was still adjusting to the sudden spike in sexual activity which caused me to have a slight shake in my arms and legs. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her again. "Hector can wait." I grabbed her ass and listened to her breath hitch. "Stop it," she squealed. Adrienne turned around and bit her lip at me. "I'll be back.." I watched her fix herself in no time and walked back out. I smirked...I still had it.

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