Provoking the Devil

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I adjusted my skirt as I was looking through the records with Ezra. He seemed a little out of sorts today and I took notice. "You okay Ezra?" I asked. "Nope," he casually answered, "my boyfriend and know.." He didn't know that I knew about his relationship with A.B. and I wasn't going to push him to tell me either. "You want to talk about it?" I asked. He simply shook his head as he ran his fingers through his hair. "It's tiring, but I'll pull through." I nodded and gave him a quick side hug. "You'll be fine." Ezra and I walked back to our desks and I had received four messages from Tristan on my personal phone.

I frowned as I read them, each one becoming more aggressive than the last.

Meet me in my office in five minutes.

Monroe, it's been five minutes and you're not in my office.

I'm docking your pay if you're not in here

And then the final one is what set me off....

Get your narrow ass in my office NOW

I slammed my iPhone down and stormed into his office. "What do you want?" I asked. Tristan turned around with a cold look on his face. "Don't shoot me that look," I hissed, "you got balls blowing my phone up like that." "I'm your employer, I can do whatever I damn well please." I glared at him as I waited for the reason on why he was so high-strung since the weekend. I know it wasn't the kiss because I had gotten over that.

"Why did you leave?" He asked suddenly. I frowned and felt my lip curl in shock. "Is that what you had to blow my phone up for?!" I nearly shouted. "Lower your voice, Monroe," he cautioned. Tristan stood up and walked over to me. His tall, lean figure nearly smothering me. I tilted my head up so I could look him in the eyes. "I will lower my voice when I figure out why your ass is so damn tight!" I shouted. Tristan's eyes darted to the door and he quickly walked over and slammed it shut.

"You have a lot of nerve, Adrienne." "I have a lot of nerve? Look at you, Mr. Billionaire Lawyer, shoving his power in my face every twenty minutes and let's not even get started on your emotions man. What are you some sadistic, confused love-sick man?" I crossed my arms as I looked my boss in the face. He frowned as my words settled. "Love sick? Ha, you're funny." I frowned and shook my head. "Do you want me or not, Lourdes. I don't have all day." I had my arms out like I was ready to run-up on him. The silence was deafening. It was scary. Tristan simply stared at me with those eyes. Not a hint of emotion showed on his face.

He crossed his arms as he sat on his desk. "You don't make the rules. I do, but if you would like to know then yes." I rolled my eyes. "You don't mean it. You just want to get your dick wet so you can go on with your life. I know how you men think. You get to know a girl just enough to get in her pants and then you're gone. I'm not stupid."

"I didn't say you were," Tristan replied. I was really getting worked up over this man, like I actually cared for him. I shifted in my heels and looked at him. "So what? You want to screw me and then fire me?"

Tristan frowned. "You're too smart to just fuck and fire," he bluntly stated. I chuckled at his vulgar response. "So then what am I?" I asked. Tristan shrugged as he signaled me to come closer. I did, just enough to be within arms reach.

"You're more like a promote then fuck," he teased. I frowned and began to walk away until it grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him. I gasped when I bumped into his body and looked up. "And I wouldn't just fuck. I'd fuck with some soul."

I busted out into a fit of laughter and nearly began to cry. "Don't ever say that again." Tristan shrugged. "It's true..but in other words. Where are those files I asked for?" I frowned. I hated how he could go from playful to serious in a blink of an eye. "On my desk sir." " what good is that?" He asked. I shrugged. "You were the one that wanted my narrow ass in here now," I said, referring back to the crazy texts he sent me. "I apologize for that. I'm very impatient."

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