The End

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My eyes flew open and water was coughed out of my lungs.

A burning yet numb sensation rippled through my body.

My vision was blurry and I could hear only a high pitched ringing in my left ear. Then something else broke through.


It was a male voice but I could make out who it belonged to.

"Reagan please open your eyes again."

The voice was becoming clearer little by little but I still wasn't sure who was speaking.

I took a breath in and relished the air that filled my lungs one a split moment before it slipped away from me, leaving me gasping again.

What was happening?

Why couldn't I breathe?

Everything started to go black again and his voice rose in pitch as he screamed my name.

The desperation in his voice was clear even though his voice was growing distant.

I fought to hold on to something so I didn't slip into unconsciousness again, because I don't know if I'd ever return.

I couldn't find anything to hold to and felt fear penetrating me. My breathing became slow and shallow.

I was ready to just give up and give in, but then I felt hands on the side of my face, and something wet land on my cheek.

A tear?

Who could this be?

Then something soft pressed against my lips, and that's when I realized the roughness of the hands that touched me, and the soft and warm lips that pressed against mine.

This was Mason.

But he has Victoria.

He doesn't want me.

I'm just his toy.

But I could feel myself coming out of the haziness.

Could I be hanging onto this?

How is he pulling me out?

Do I have feelings for him?

My eyes opened slowly and my breathing gradually became deeper.

His forehead was pressed against my chest; one of his hands was at the base of my skull, while the other was still at the side of my face.

"Mason...." I whispered just barley.

It didn't feel like I had any energy in me whatsoever.

I felt him stir, and then he picked his head up and his eyes found mine.

My breathing hitched when I saw the tear trails that stained his cheeks, and the tears then were still waiting to spill over.

"You're alive." He whispered.

His hand stroked the side of my face, while his face came closer to mine.

His nose brushed against mine, and then his lips gently pressed against mine.

I could feel the desire he had, but he restrained himself.

He pulled away and my eyes lifted to look behind him.

Victoria stood there, her eyes glassy, and her lower lip trembled.

"Mason?" she asked quietly.

He sat up and looked back at her.

"I'm leaving." She told him.


"No, it's okay Mason. You love her and not me. I can see it in your eyes when you look at her. I'll be okay. I promise."

The first tear spilled over onto her cheek, and her hand came up and wiped it away.

I watched as Mason stood up and made his way over to her.

He wrapped her in a hug and whispered something I couldn't make out. When he pulled away from her, another tear had slipped down her cheek. His hand came up and cupped her face, his thumb wiping away the tear. He leaned forward and pressed a simple kiss to her forehead.

She stepped away from him and turned towards me. She came over and sat at the side of the bed.

Her hand came up and I flinched, thinking she was going to hit me. But her fingertips grazed my forehead, and that's when I realized that she had brushed my hair away from my face.

"Promise me you'll be good to him? He loves you and doesn't deserve heartbreak." She whispered.

I could see pain in her eyes, as plainly as I could see Mason standing at the other side of the room.

"I promise." I whispered back.

She gave me a small smile and then leaned forward, surprising me by kissing my forehead lightly.

"I'm happy for you Reagan." She said before she stood and made her way out of the room.

Mason walked over to me, his hand slipped under me, one under my legs and the other behind my back.

He picked me up and carried me downstairs, laying me on the couch in the living room, pressing a kiss to my lips, and then disappearing in the direction of the kitchen.

That was almost the end of my life and the end of a relationship, but I believe this could be the start of something new.

Hey guys! Hope ya liked this update!

Mason and Victoria no longer a couple? Maybe Mason and Reagan? Idk, there might never be a Mason and Reagan. Or maybe there will.... What about Jackson?

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