Answers In Exchange For Guilty Feelings

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I didn't really remember much of anything after that incident except that I had been led back to my room. Everyone else had gone back to sleep but I couldn't. All I could do was lay there and stare at the ceiling.

Had I really seen him?

I sat up and room off my bed and towards my dresser. Opening up the top drawer my eyes landed on the picture of Garrett. I picked it up and went back to sit on my bed.

I can't believe I saw Garrett. My ex...

Did he even remember me? Maybe not, he dos attack me. Would he have done that if he would have known it was me?

More importantly, why was he in Mason's house? Was he stealing? Or was he in here to hurt someone? Did he know I was here and came to rescue me?

...why would he have hurt me if he knew I was here? None of this makes sense... Maybe he was stealing. But why the heck would he steal?

Suddenly my door opened and someone walked in, breaking my train of thought and making me jump.

My head snapped to see who it was. There in the doorway was Mason. My heart beat picked up and I froze. My grip on the picture tightened when I realize his eyes were fixed on it.

"Can I help you?" I asked, a protective tone creeping into my voice.

"I came to see if you were okay. You seemed a little shaken up after we were robbed."

"I'm fine..."

"What's that?"

"Nothing." I said and moved to get up to put it away.

I stood in front of my dresser and just when I went to set it in the top drawer, Mason snatched it from my possession.

I whipped around and reached for it.

"Give it back! It isn't yours!" I yelled at him.

"Who is this?" He asked, examining the picture while holding it out of my reach.

"No one."

"Then why are you getting so upset?"

I stopped reaching for it and stepped away from him, my hand coming up to grip the bicep of my other arm. I looked at the floor and fought the emotions flowing through me.

"He's my ex..." I whispered.

"Your ex?"

"Yes Mason, my ex. I was dating him before you kidnapped me. We had been together for almost three years before I came here."

I had looked up at him with a defiant look plastered on my face.

"Why do you have his picture?" He asked, an accusing tone had edged its way into his voice.

Something about the way he said that struck me hard. It's as if I wasn't allowed to like anyone before hand.

"Because, it's one of the only things I have left of my life before this."

"Are you not happy here with me?"

"To be honest, I wasn't at first. But then you stopped being an ass an started treating me nice and now I'm quite happy, but right now I would rather be anywhere else than standing right here, being interrogated about why I have a picture."

I watched as his hands balled into fists. A scream escape my mouth as I watched the picture crumple in his hand. He threw the picture on the floor and moved to leave my room.


He stopped and barley turned his head back.

"Stop it."

"Stop what?" He asked, turning around to completely face me.

"You're acting like a two year old. Every time I do something you don't like you throw a tantrum. I'm tired of it. You're making me feel like shit. I'm not here to be your perfect little slave. I was here to be your toy and it blossomed into a relationship that led me to be a Luna. You need to stop and realize that no one is perfect. Realize that I will make you mad, but ultimately, you need to realize that that's the person you fell for."

I stood there and watched as the fire in his eyes didn't die down a single bit more did his jaw loosen up. I looked down, succumbing to the tears that wanted to spill.

"I'm sorry I'm not who you want but I want to be. I try so hard to do everything right but I can't, and I'm sorry. I just-"

I was cut off when he tilted my head up and pressed his lips against mine. It was a long, sweet kiss, that confused me.

When we broke apart, I looked up at him, my eyebrows furrowed, and a frown stretching across my face. I could feel new tear trails form on my cheeks from stray tears falling but I didn't have the ability to reach up and wipe them away because I was busy trying to figure out what had just happened.

The fire in his eyes was gone, and his jaw wasn't clinched. Instead, a warm glow filled his eyes and a small smile replaced the straight face he ha just a second ago.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize how I was affecting you. I don't mean to make you feel like that, I just sit like sharing and knowing you where claimed before you came here kind of infuriates me."

I sighed and leaned my head against his chest. I guess I just have to deal with the fact that he is him, and I am me. We are both different but we've survived each other this long so I know we can for life I that's what it will be.

"One question though..." He said, breaking the silence.

I looked up at him.

"Why did you have the picture out?"

"I... Umm."

"You can tell me Reagan. I won't get mad."

"He... He was the one that robbed you."

I felt him tense up and I close my eyes, waiting for him to go off on a rant, but it never came.

"What's his name?"


"I need to report him. He can't just go around breaking into people's houses."

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because he... I-"

"Do you still have feelings for him?"

"You said you weren't going to get mad."

"I'm not. Yet."


"Please answer me."

I hesitated and thought about it. If Garrett was breaking into random houses then he needs to stop. But is turning him into the police a good idea?

"His name is Garrett Manning..." I told him.

Guilt hit me hard as he turned to walk out of the room, no doubt heading for a phone to contact police.

What had I just done? Even though Garrett wasn't here, all our memories filled my mind, making me relive my past with him.

If he found out what I had done, would he forgive me? Why was I feeling so bad about this? I didn't have a chance with him ever again.

Ugh! I hate myself so much...

Hey, another update! Why!? Because I got it done! Haha I felt like I needed to for all the times I made ya'll wait for updates for so long!

Somebody guessed the robber in the last chapter and I thought that was pretty cool. Lol

| Too Far Broken  |

Thanks for reading!!

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