The Pain In Healing

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I realized something that made me halt in everything

The wind was knocked out of me and I swore I gasped louder than a crowd of people

I thought back to the years after my father died

How I craved someone often and searched for solace in fixing people

I grasp the fabric of my shirt

It wrinkles and I swallow thickly

The hole is back

The one that my fathers death carved out of me

Its still open once stuffed with tissue paper and now black, open, empty

I feel a deep sadness inside now

But I realize that I no longer want to fill the hole with projects

I actually don't want to get rid of it anymore

It's a dull reminder of the man who raised me

Teary eyed I sit down

I miss him

It hurts but somehow feels like it belongs

I look to the moon and wonder

Is this what healing feels like?

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