He Loves ALL Of Me

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Too think that I thought I knew what feeling for someone in this way felt like.

It's like a tidal wave of emotion every time I see him and the wave gets bigger and it's harder to see straight every time it happens.

It's blissful and scary, but raw and heart throbbing.

I feel this... feeling pulsating through me when I touch him.

At first it was so faint and now I feel it even at the thought of him.

I miss him like crazy and I think of his lips pressed to mine, our bodies curled up into each other, skin against skin.

If I could melt into him I would.

My heart could seize to exist at the pace it beats when he is inches from my face, his arms around me, fingers lightly grazing my shoulder.

All the imperfections, the past, baggage and all and he looks at me like I am all he could ever want, flaws and all.

He asks before he does anything just to make sure I'm okay with it.

His eyes show adoration and understanding as I fumble over words and try to explain that I'm not ready for everything that I need to take it a step at a time, even if sometimes it seems agonizing he is worth it.

I have never met someone with such a kind and forgiving heart that loves people more than himself.

I'm even impatient with myself wanting my lips to be on his but I can't force myself or it won't work.

And it's worth taking it slow and enjoying every bit of progress that I take.

His long hugs tell me I will be okay and that in time things will pan out how they are meant to be.

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