Unwanted Destiny

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The sun was brutal as it beat down on Aiden's bronzing skin, sweat beads that formed from the dense and humid air fell from his forehead as he pulled at the rope setting the sail starboard. Covering his eyes from the bright sun with an outstretched hand, he looked at the other crew members that ran around bumping into each other or other objects all in order to adjust from the change in wind. In the past month he'd learned more about sailing then he had ever intended to learn. It may have been in his blood, but as far as it being a passion, it definitely wasn't one of his.

Grunting, he pulled at another rope from the mainmast, tying it down as the captain came on deck with a booming voice, his Caribbean accent strong. Aiden was only lucky that they had picked him up while stranded on one of their passing islands, thanks to his no good, double crossing crew from before.

Aiden stood straight ready to receive his next orders.

"The gun port must be handled and everything must be secure and ready for any attack. We are making way for Tortuga where we will load up on supplies." The Captain told the crew that fell in line, standing straight and listening. "We'll be in dangerous waters, anything is possible." He looked at all of them making sure they understood.

Once the Captain finished what he had to say, the crew broke apart and began keeping maintenance of the ship. Pirates were prevalent in the Caribbean, as were other mystical creatures Aiden had just learned about. Humans were recently divided by territory with these creatures, and that meant that the seas were no longer open for free sailing. It was everyman for himself if they crossed the line, unless you were the baddest ship in the sea that contained the most fiercest pirates any man had ever heard of. They did the bidding for the territories, kept it harmonious so as nothing went out of order or against the treaty made many years ago.

Lining up the cannonballs, Aiden peered out through the gunport and looked along the water, gazing at the waves that crashed into each other, becoming one before crashing into the ship. His eyes wandered farther out along the horizon and stopped at a darkened ship that was heading in their direction. In that same moment, alarm and chaos was raised as everyone aboard the ship yelled in panic and unison.


Cannonballs blasted into the ship, debris flying everywhere, only to be quickly counteracted. Aiden on the front line hit the deck as his cannon jolted back and rolled forward, the cannonball hitting the other ship, destroying a part of the enemies bow. He looked at his crew member, Liam, who picked up another cannonball and pushed it into the cannon, touching the botefeux on the wick, the both of them covered their ears as the cannon jolted again, hitting their enemy ship once more.

Perching at the edge of the small window, Aiden coughed through the smoke, eyes wandering trying to make out the ship. Eyes widened watching as the enemy crew swung over by the ropes, taking over the ship now.

Swords clashed together, crew men fell to their death, debris and smoke continued to fill the air and lungs as battle ensued. Throwing his daggers, left and right, Aiden merely watched as his enemies fell, dead, without another action. Taking a sword off a fallen member and another that was stuck in the main mast, he spun around kicking his enemy that was directly behind him and stabbing the other two who came up along side of him. He wasn't about to die like this. He had to carry out the mission he was given.

Moving through the crowd of fighting men, Aiden made his way over to the Captain's quarters and stopped in his tracks as he watched his Captain get stabbed and fall to the deck, lifeless, eyes rolled back. Swallowing hard, Aiden stepped back unsure what to do now before hearing a cannon blast hitting the mast making it fall. The creaking of the mast and the snapping of the wood made everyone aboard stop and watch as the mast begin to fall over.

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