[Prison Of Hell]

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Avalon raced to where she had last seen Eudora. Her tail had never moved faster, but she knew if she was even a second over ten minutes, Eudora would form a search and kill party, then see the ship and possibly kill Aiden. Avalon shook her head swimming faster finally reaching Eudora, whose back was turned to her as she yelled at some rookies. Avalon tapped on Eudora's shoulder and giggled when she turned around. "Hi!" Avalon smiled beautifully. Eudora's face softened and she almost giggled herself.

"You're just in time. I was just about to go and get you and kill the human." Eudora smirked then looked over her best friends face. "What's the matter? You look like you just saw a momma Krakken in heat!" Avalon was panting and pale, which wasn't her usual look. Eudora raised and brow. "Is there something you're not telling me, Avy?" Avalon shook her head and tried to regain her composure. Eudora folded her arms and opened her mouth to say something, when she was interrupted by a scout.

"Eudora, we've found another ship. It's at least three times the size of the previous ship."

"Really?" A sly smile grew across her face. "Avalon, you should go home, I know how much you hate being a part of this, and since you already agreed and followed through with the last raid, I won't let you have anything to do with this one." Avalon's heart dropped knowing exactly what ship the scout mentioned, she knew Aiden would most definitely be caught in the crossfire.

"B-but you already raided a ship today Dora." Avalon spoke softly to her friend tugging on her arm. "Please let's just go home, my mom is going to be making your favorite - the spicy shrimp! I don't want to do this anymore." Avalon pleaded and for a second seen her friends mind changing, but she still didn't budge.

"Go home to Karenina and save me a couple plates full." Eudora flashed a dazzling smile. "I'll be back there in no time I promise!" Eudora kissed Avalon's cheek and looked at the scouts. "How far out are they?"

"Not far at all. it would take us less than ten minutes to get there." Eudora nodded and headed out towards the ship with the others. Avalon watched them swim off and bit her cheek before following close behind. She knew she would get into serious trouble for the actions she was about to do, but she was tired of letting things happen that she felt wasn't right. She was going to save a human, and stop her kind from killing any more of them, and if not all her kind, at least she hoped her best friend.

Aiden swallowed hard as the Captain and her second walked to the Captains quarters. Aiden looked out of the corner of his eye, the second was a strong looking man about his own age standing only a little shorter than Aiden himself. He stayed quiet and to himself and when the Captain and him made eye contact, it was like some how they knew what each other were thinking, which kind of freaked Aiden out. The second was also extremely handsome. It was almost like his face was carved by the God's themselves.

"Sit down." The Captain turned around and told him when they entered into the Captain quarters and sat on the desk. "It's time you explain things to me." She crossed her legs and arms and looked at Aiden very seriously.

"Your sister, she was in prison with me. I tried to help her escape, but the guards found out, and she had fallen behind. So before we were split up she gave me this and told me to find you. I swore to her that I'd come back, and I am a man of my word." Aiden looked up at her and saw that her face softened slightly. "I know where she is, and if we hurry, we can get her back then I'll be on my way." He examined her closely and saw the frustration and heartbreak behind her grey eyes.

"How can I trust you? For all I know my sister is dead."

"If you believed that even for a moment, I would already be dead.

"The Captain looked him over and then glanced to her second who nodded his head. She sighed heavily and stood up walking to a wall and sliding to the side a giant painting a revealing a giant map. "Tell me, then. Where is she?"

He glanced at the map then her second who shrugged and nodded his head over towards the map. Aiden swallowed and stood up going over and examining the map more closely. "She's there." He pointed to a very small area on the map, you could hardly tell there was even an island there. "It's in Norway." He looked at the Captain who was staring at where his finger was placed then glanced up at him before walking over to her desk.

"Where exactly in Norway? I need coordinates, the name of the prison itself. You are quite terrible at giving information." She looked back at him like she was expecting an apology for his incompetence.

Aiden furrowed his brows and scoffed looking away. "I don't know any of that. It's not like I got bored one day and asked the guards that beat your sister and I where exactly we were and jotted that information down. Let me be very honest and clear when I say this, I'm not a sailor. I just remember details of the place."

The Captain narrowed her eyes and stuck her nose up looking at him with disgust. "Details of a prison that is thousands of miles away does me no good in bringing my sister back. Now I don't know who the hell you think you are, and honestly I don't care all that much either, but for some odd reason my sister took a liking to you, and that is the only reason I'm keeping you alive, for now."

"Thanks, I feel so privileged." Aiden rolled his eyes really starting to not like the Captain one bit despite her good looks. The Captain raised a cocky brow and walked over to him pulling out a dagger and pushing it against his neck.

"Don't you dare back talk me. I'm the Captain of this ship. My sister may have a liking to you and I know she wouldn't want you to be dead when we rescue her, but she also knows who runs this ship. She'll respect any decision I make and if that means ending the life of someone who left her behind at the prison she's been stuck in for almost a year because he couldn't respect his Captain and shut his mouth, I'm pretty sure she'll understand."

Aiden kept his composure despite being utterly terrified. Two women wanted to kill him in less than an hour, it was a new record for him. He nodded showing he understood as she took her dagger away from his neck. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"Yeah it won't, because the next time it does, I'll have you thrown off my ship and let the mermaids kill you, they love finding humans stranded out at sea." She walked back over to her desk once more and stabbed her dagger into the old wood and sighed. The second looked the map over once more and looked back to Aiden finally saying something.

"What's the prison called?" Aiden looked taken aback but cleared his throat and walked to the map writing it down next to Norway.

"Fengsel Av Helvete, which means Prison of Hell." He said turning back to the Captain.

The Captain opened her mouth to say something else but as soon as she did she heard slamming against her door. "What the hell?" She cussed walking to the door and opening it, a dead body falling back into the room. Immediately she drew her sword and looked out seeing her crew fighting against at least a dozen if not more, mermaids. The second drew his sword as well and jumped into the fight without hesitation.

"They came back." Aiden said under his breath.

"You brought them here?!" The Captain glared at Aiden so hard he thought he should have died.

~ Well collaberated by Vindigo and Vertigo

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