Man O' War

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The cave was deep and gold could be seen everywhere. Not an inch of the cave was uncovered. Zane had pointed it out to Eudora while they were looking around and she took the liberty to get closer to it.

A smile grew behind the mouthpiece as he got closer to the cave but was stopped when Eudora pointed out a lurking eel. She tilted her head to the side and swam up to it keeping a safe distance. She smiled behind her mouthpiece and held out a hand showing it they meant no harm. The eel looked at Eudora before swimming deeper into the cave. She looked at Zane and gave a thumbs up before going inside.

Zane followed cautiously behind looking around with big eyes. He had never been under the ocean water and able to look around until now. His hands ran across the gold coins, putting them into his pocket. Swimming over to where Eudora was he saw her pick up a necklace made of pearls and look at it with sparkling eyes.

She noticed Zane looking and quickly put the necklace down before swimming somewhere else, continuing to look around. She could feel his eyes on her which made her blush as she rummaged through most of the gold. Eudora looked back at Zane who was in fact staring before he quickly started looting more coins. The scavenge continued for a while, as the two filled up their pockets.

Koruh swam around looking at the reef, so many busy little fish dove in and out and around the coral and other life forms. She grinned behind the mouthpiece as she saw a family of seahorses hang onto the seaweed with their tails. They were her sisters favorite sea animal. She continued swimming on until she bumped into Aiden. Glaring through the goggles she turned the other way to get away from him. He quickly grabbed her arm and spun her around, she noticed a smirk despite it being mostly hidden behind the mouthpiece and goggles. She pushed herself away from him and began to swim backwards before he grabbed her leg pulling her back over to him once more. Koruh began to get a little annoyed and kind of kicked off him pushing him away. She gestured to him with vulgarity still swimming back, away from him. It was too late when she noticed the panic in his face; she swam right into a man o' war's dangling tentacles. The venom burned her back and traced to the front of her body. Koruh cried out in sheer pain, the mouthpiece falling from her mouth. Not able to move, all she could feel was the burning sensation; in seconds she was unconscious.

Aiden quickly swam over to her once she was out of the man o' war's tentacles and took her to the surface before hollering over to Avalon. "Avalon! Get Zane now!" Avalon only nodded not questioning the sheer horror in his face. He set her on the raft that was keeping Fluff afloat and checked to make sure she was still breathing.

Avalon quickly swam underwater looking around frantically for Zane and Eudora. She looked slightly relieved when she saw them coming out of the cave. She swam over and began pulling on both of them as hard as she could as she looked at them terrified. Zane looked at Eudora before swimming quickly to the surface with Avalon.

Once surfaced he took off his mask and looked around seeing Aiden keeping Koruh on the raft. "What happened!?" He yelled swimming over getting a closer look at her.

"She swam into a man o' war. I couldn't stop her, I tried, but it was too late." Aiden kept his eyes on Koruh making sure she was stable.

"Avalon, you can help." Eudora looked at Avalon who thought for a moment before nodding and diving underwater. "She was a nurse back at home, she knows a lot of different remedies, hopefully one that will help Koruh." Eudora looked at Zane then Koruh who looked almost dead.

"Koruh?" Zane went to touch her but noticed the big red welts forming and little pieces of the man o' war still in some parts of her skin. "Be careful when you touch her, you can get stung too." He looked to both Aiden and Eudora sternly. Eudora looked at Zane before sighing and quickly started picking off pieces of the man o' war while he was keeping a lookout for Avalon. She quickly swatted Aiden's hand away when he tried to help.

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