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"Psst, Zane!" Koruh knocked on the door still a little discombobulated from all the drinks. She wasn't sure how she had gotten back to the ship but she definitely knew she didn't feel good, and couldn't seem to sleep without having nightmares. Zane opened the door with sleepy eyes and rubbing his head with a killer headache.

"What is it Koruh?" He asked leaning against the door frame.

"I can't sleep." She pursed her lips. He knew this was a recurring thing and moved to the side so she could enter into the room.

"What were they about this time?" He asked climbing into bed with her and covering them both up.

"Drowning." She sighed and rolled over so she could bury her face into his chest. He yawned as he hugged her close and kept her warm throughout the night. She didn't have a single nightmare after that.

Avalon woke up and smiled brightly as she looked around then caught sight of Fluff curled up next to her legs. "Good morning Fluff." The sheep perked up and looked at Avalon before tilting his head to one side and bleating. "Shall we go see if the others are awake?" her face lit up as Fluff stood up and stretched before hopping of the bed and bouncing by the door. "I'm coming!" She giggled as she got out of bed and put on a soft pastel yellow robe before heading out on to the deck.

No one was in sight, including the crew men. Avalon turned back to the kitchen and entered not smelling anything cooking. When she opened the kitchen doors, she didn't even see Zane cooking. Pursing her lips she headed to Eudora's room to see if she was awake, maybe in the bath soaking. She didn't bother knocking knowing what the alcohol's aftermath did to her.

"Dora, are you awake?" She looked at the lump under the comforter and heard a small whimper coming from underneath it. "Are you okay?" She quickly came to her aid and sat next to her on the bed. "What is it what's wrong?"

"Hangover. A very, very, bad hangover." Eudora whimpered again before peeking out under the cover and screaming.

"What? What is it?" Avalon panicked and looked around the room.

"What the hell is that thing next to you!" She looked around more until she saw Fluff again who was sitting loyally at her feet.

"This is Fluff! Isn't he the cutest?" Eudora shook her head no and went back under the covers. "Well that's rude, and I was going to make you breakfast!"

"I don't want breakfast, I feel like I'm going to lose whatever is left in my stomach." She whimpered again.

"Have you been sick all morning?" Eudora only muffled a yes. Avalon rubbed her back and then perked up remembering her last words the night before. "Well maybe Zane has some sort of food remedy you can eat. But we gotta go wake him up!" Eudora sat up as best as she could and rubbed her eyes. "Do you want to clean up first?" She nodded eyes still shut. "Okay, come on, I'll help you." Avalon helped her stand up and get cleaned up as best as she could before heading over to Zane's door knocking lightly. "Zane? We hate to bother you, but we were wondering if you could help us with something?"

"Please..." Eudora mumbled as she rubbed her temples keeping her eyes shut.

Aiden came around the corner looking about as bad as Eudora. "Hey you two, asking Zane if he has any special remedies too?" he leaned against the wall. Avalon nodded.

"But he isn't answering." She looked down wanting to help Eudora and now Aiden desperately.

"Then just go in." Aiden said, grabbing the knob and turning it swinging the door open and looking over at Eudora and Avalon. "After you." He spoke softly. The girls looked at each other hesitantly before Fluff gently head-butted Eudora into the room. Mumbling curse words under her breath Eudora walked inside and froze looking at the bed. Avalon followed in behind and gasped with a quiet squeak before looking at Aiden in shock. "What is it?"

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