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Koruh carefully sat up looking around the room before getting up and looking at her back in a mirror that hung opposite of her only seeing hundreds of lash marked scars that had taken over her skin. She sighed as she slipped on a lightweight shirt and walked out on to the deck seeing Zane and Eudora training.

Eudora sloppily held her sword as she fought with Zane. She was gradually getting more and more frustrated knowing her weapon of choice would have beat him five minutes into their 'fight'. She quickly tried to strike him but was easily blocked. "I hate this! Spears are so much better, easier, and more fun!" She hollered out trying to strike him once more to no avail. "Avalon, why did I agree to this?"

"Because you said you were too lazy to make more spears." Avalon said innocently as she sat on the railing swaying her feet back and forth. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Koruh come out squinting from the sun and hugging herself in the light cotton shirt Zane had left her.

"Good morning Koruh!" Avalon hopped off the railing and skipped over to her with Fluff following behind. "How are you feeling?" She looked her over seeing she was still tired, but noticed the color had come back into her face.

Koruh gave her a small nod and a weak smile "A little weak and extremely hungry. How long was I out?" She hugged herself tighter.

"A day and a half." Avalon gave a small smile. "I'm sure you're hungry, Zane made breakfast, Eudora ate most of it." She pursed her lips and watched Eudora continue to fight. "I can bring it to you if you'd like?" Koruh shook her head.

"It's fine, I could use the exercise." She turned to walk away then looked back at Avalon "Thank you, for everything." She walked towards the dining hall then paused when Eudora stumbled back almost bumping into her. Koruh whispered quickly.

"Use your core and balance, keep your legs strong. When Zane steps back use the front leg at your disposal, it's his weakness and I don't know why." She grinned before quickly walking into the dining hall seeing the food still laid out with Fluff on the table eating what was left.

"What the hell is that!?" Koruh looked at Fluff who paused and bleated at her with his ears twitching and then continuing to eat.

"That's Fluff, Avalon's pet." Aiden came out from the kitchen drying his hands on a cloth. "Creepy little bastard." He picked up Fluff who squirmed violently in his hands and plopped him on the floor. "He hadn't touched any food over there yet." he nodded over to the end of the table. Koruh looked at it and kind of scrunched her nose before sitting down and making a plate, grabbing a bit of everything that was left. "I'm glad you're awake. Zane was very worried, and I wanted to apologize for not being able to get you before you swam into the man o' war." Koruh shrugged.

"It really wasn't your fault. I was being careless." She took a bite and looked at him. "As for Zane, he always does that." Aiden sat next to her and looked her over out of the corner of his eye.

"Does it still hurt?" He looked at her back even though he knew the scars would be hidden from him. Koruh paused for a moment feeling his eyes on her.

"Not too much. Occasionally the shirt will rub against a sensitive spot, but that's it. I just still feel drained and weak. Definitely tense, and my jaw hurts from clenching it so much." Koruh sighed gently moving all her hair to one side.

"Maybe a shot of rum might help you relax?" He watched her eat and chuckled getting back up picking up all the dirty dishes. "Maybe I'll let you finish first." Koruh glanced up at him through her long lashes.

"I'll definitely take you up on that offer." She grinned going back to eating.

"Oof." Zane fell down at Eudora's feet and looked up at her a little surprised. She stood over him pointing the sword against his neck and grinned.

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