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 Eudora searched his eyes to see if he would kill her and find a cure on his own, or let her live. Zane looked into her eyes once more and quietly spoke "I don't want to kill you. But even if I don't, I know that the arrow shot into you will since she laced her arrowhead with poison as well." He sighed not sounding amused whatsoever.

 Avalon reached the deck and looked around at the chaos. Her heart dropped to her stomach when she seen Eudora putting a spear to a mans neck and his sword to her stomach.

 "Eudora!" She screamed at the top of her lungs getting everyone's attention.

 Eudora spun her head around and her heart dropped thinking the so called captain of the ship wouldn't hesitate to kill her. "Avalon I told you to go home!"

 "This has to stop! Please! Do you even know what you're fighting for anymore?" Avalon pleaded with Eudora. "Please no more bloodshed!" Avalon's eyes filled with tears as she looked to her only friend desperately. Aiden instantly heard Avalon's voice and his stomach dropped as he looked at Koruh.

 "Please, don't kill her!" Aiden looked Koruh genuinely and with complete fear for Avalon. "I beg of you." Koruh just furrowed her brows.

 "And why shouldn't I? I'm the Captain of this ship!" Aiden's jaw dropped as he grabbed her shoulder feeling her tense under his grip.

 "She is begging for peace!"

 "Then she is nothing more than a martyr!" She spat at him and aimed her arrow at Avalon who looked innocently, like a deer in the wild. Koruh felt her heart strings tug just from looking at her. The young girl reminded Koruh of her own sister. Clenching her jaw she let out a growl and merely threatened. "Get your merpeople off this ship and get as far away from us as possible or you're going to regret it!" Koruh looked at Eudora out of the corner of her eye. Eudora was fuming, her face was as red as her hair. 

 "You're going to regret you even pointed that arrow at her!" She yelled taking the spear from Zane's neck so quick he couldn't react and snapping her arm forward throwing the spear at Koruh with precious aim. Before anyone could take another breath, water shot up around the ship and through the floorboards on the deck, stopping the spear and taking it higher than the sails. Water fell to the ground and froze where everyone was.

 "I said, get the hell off my ship and don't ever come back." Koruh hissed, her eyes now a stormy blue. "Or I won't be as kind next time." 

 Warriors and crewmen alike stopped their fighting, still surprised by the sudden shooting water and backed away from each other. Eudora glared at Koruh once more, only getting the same look in return.

 "Come on Dora!" Avalon cried out.

 "What makes you think I'm going anywhere?" Eudora looked around then back at Koruh, "I don't see anything aboard this ship that shows you're Poseidon, and he's the only one I willingly would take orders from. Besides, you need me, or you're going to die." Eudora smirked then felt the poison from the arrowhead course through her. Quickly she grabbed her shoulder to see if that would help subside the pain.

 "Looks like you need me just as much as I need you 'mermaid'."

 "Is anyone else going to acknowledge what we all just saw?" Aiden asked quietly and looked around. "No? No? Just me? Okay, just clarifying."

 Zane sighed pulling his sword away and sheathing it. "This is stupid now. Can we just have a truce and move on with our lives?" It was the most he'd said all day. Koruh glanced at Zane shooting him a look. "Don't give me that look Koruh." He said sternly making her look drop and clear her throat.

 "What do you want, 'mermaid'?"

 "Personally, I want you all dead." Eudora retorted glancing at Zane before quickly looking away.

 "Eudora stop it!" Avalon said sternly and looked at Koruh. "Please, if you could give Eudora the antidote, I will give you her antidote." Eudora looked at Avalon shocked that she would do such a thing but sighed and nodded agreeing before looking at Koruh. Avalon gave a small smile and looked up at the captain with the biggest most innocent eyes she could have sworn to ever have seen. "A mermaid's promise is never broken."

 "So I've been told." She quickly looked at Zane causing Eudora's stomach to flip, suddenly wondering what their relationship was. 

 "Alright." Koruh looked back to Avalon and reached her hand into her coat pocket and grabbed a small vile pulling it out and tossing it at Eudora.

 "And how do I know this isn't going to just kill me that way you end up killing my friends?"

 "Please stop thinking of the worst possible outcome and trust her Dora, please." Avalon looked at Koruh with a small hopeful smile. "I trust her."

 "Trusting humans is what got us into this mess to begin with." Eudora muttered under her breath as she drank the liquid from the vile.

 "You must need a refresh on your history, darling. Mermaids and humans don't get along for reasons you couldn't even fathom." She rolled her eyes at the same time Eudora did.

 Zane leaned in toward Eudora and spoke in a hushed tone. "Humans really aren't so bad, I promise." He grinned standing up straight and holding out his hand for the antidote. Eudora looked up at Zane not realizing her cheeks were a little pink. "I-I don't have it." She spoke trying to sound threatening.

 Koruh raised an eyebrow trying to keep calm and asked through clenched teeth, "What do you mean, you don't have it?"

 Avalon delicately cleared her throat and raised her hand, "I have it." She pointed to her head. "In here. See, I normally don't go out on ship raids, and Eudora wanted a poison only I knew how to cure, so it looks like you're going to be the first survivor." Avalon smiled sweetly with nothing but pure innocence on her face. "Congratulations!" She made her way over to Koruh and looked in her little pouch she carried around for times like these and began mixing oils and ingredients together before giving Koruh a small vile of thick green liquid. "Drink up."

 Koruh looked at the weird green liquid and scrunched her nose then looked at Avalon directly in her eyes seeing the pure innocence behind them, being reminded so much of her sister. Koruh didn't question if it would kill her, she didn't gag at the taste. Instead she took it all like a champ knowing she could trust her no matter what. "Thank you, Avalon is it?" She looked at her, only standing a little taller than Avalon. She nodded and smiled. "Well Avalon, thank you for saving my life."

 "You're welcome!" Avalon squeaked and looked at Eudora, "This is the second human I've saved today!" Eudora could feel her face softening and quickly looked away before sitting on the railing ready to dive back in the water as the rest of the warriors did just so.

 "Can we keep it at two? Forever?" She glanced back at Avalon who was tickled pink to be surrounded by more humans that for, at the moment, didn't want to kill her.

{[We're on a role! Much love my little duckies!]}

~Vertigo and Vindigo Collab

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