Vol.1 Chapter-9

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The Villainess's mischief

I messed up.

I pushed my body way too hard yesterday fighting a troll and all... And so, right now, my body is so sore, especially my knees!! Feels like pins and needles are stuck in my joints. It was like this when I woke up this morning. Hah... A girl's untrained body is so fragile...

I think we won't be doing anything too extreme today...

"Right! Today we'll be deciding on your teams for the exam that would be happening in a few weeks, please group yourselves in groups of six. And remember to do your best! Whichever class wins will win a very special prize!!" Teacher Loupe says in an overly excited tone.

"Aya." a voice from behind me calls out, it was Laura.


"Have you decided on your team yet? You ranked first in the last test, so I thought I should secure a spot in your team."

"Oh, I'm not making a team. I'm joining one."

"Really? Whose team?"

"Oh-hohohoho! Prince Leon, I am sorry but I will not accept a commoner in my team!" as we were talking, Lady Catherine's voice rang in the classroom.

"Catherine, come on, we are all students in the academy..." Prince Leon says.

"Hers!" as I said that I ran towards Lady Catherine.

"Lady Catherine~!"

When she saw me her eyebrows furrowed.

"Lady Catherine, that's unladylike, you know?"

"As if you can lecture me about being a lady! So, what is your business with me this time?"

"I would like to join your team please!"

"Are you making fun of me? Did I not just say that I would not be accepting commoners into my team?"

"Aw come on~ we're friends aren't we?"

"Acquaintances! We are merely acquaintances! I will never acc-." her mouth forms a mischievous smile, she puts her finger over her lips and says.

"Fine then, if you are so desperate to join my team. But first, you must bow do-"

"With pleasure!!" before she finished her sentence, I was already on the floor kneeling and bowing my head. The pain in my knees didn't bother me one bit.

Students all around were watching the two of us, a commoner bowing down to a noble.

"Wha-! S-stand up!! Do you not have any shame!?"

"Nope, none at all!"

"Ghhh... I got you on your knees but why do I feel like I have lost..." Lady Catherine mumbles while biting the tip of her thumb.

"So! Can I join now!?"

"Fine then! Do what you want!"

After a few moments, all of the groups were decided.

Lady Catherine's group consisted of Lady Catherine, Prince Leon, Laura, Sophia, and lastly me.

Sophia managed to join Lady Catherine's team after pleading for a while with the prince's help.

And with Laura, Lady Catherine just said these words with a sigh. "Laura, join my team, at most, you could control this commoner over here." is it possible that Laura is my rival in love too!?

"Okay! Good job on making your teams, you guys are free to practice your strategies for the exam in your free time, but please keep it in moderation. And for now, let us all head to the academy's practice grounds."

As those words were said, we started tidying up our desks and began making our way into the practice grounds.

While in the hallway, Lady Catherine was sneaking glances at Prince Leon that was enjoying a nice long talk with Sophia.

"Lady Catherine." I said while walking over to her side.

"What is it?" she answered in her usual harsh tone.

"Let's play a game!"

Was the only thing I could think of to help her get her mind off of Prince Leon that was happily chatting with Sophia.

"Such a foolish request, why do I have to play a game with a commoner like you?"

"Ahhh, I see, you don't want your losses against me to pile up. I see, I see, I understand fully!"

With that I started to walk faster, leaving Lady Catherine behind.

"Wha- hold it!" with that Lady Catherine tugs on my arm pulling me back.

"I can not let what you just said pass! Me? scared of you? Do not make fun of me! Fine then, what shall we play?"
She says with a fire in her eyes although, the thing she said was fairly childish.

"The twenty one game. Have you ever heard of that game Lady Catherine?"

"No, no I have not. It is probably a game for commoners that's why."

Wellllll, yes and no, I made the game up afterall.

"The rules are simple, each of us can count up to three digits and the one to reach twenty one first loses. Simple, no?"

"So it's an intellectual game, Hmph! I'll show you, then let us start."

"I'll give you the first move Lady Catherine."

"Hmph, how stupid. 1, 2." Despite scoffing at the game, Lady Catherine was the one to start it.

And so, we alternated turns counting up, trying to corner each other. Though, I already knew a sure fire way to win the game.

"3, 4."

"5, 6, 7."


"9, 10."

"11, 12."

"13, 14, 15."



"Ah." Lady Catherine lets out a small sound when she realized.

"Best of three! We are playing a best of three! " she says aloud, while holding up three fingers, really, how cute can she get??

And so we played a best of three, I won all the rounds, of course. Despite pouting, Lady Catherine looked like she forgot about the prince in this small time frame we were playing. If only... If only I could be the one to make her happy... But I know myself that I can't, on top of being a commoner.

I am a maiden.

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