Vol.1 Chapter-15

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Nervous heart.

Entering the Bellerose's estate, we were greeted by a line of maids all bowing to Lady Catherine.

"Welcome back, Lady Catherine." all the maids said in unison.

"Yes, thank you." Lady Catherine said as she walked pass the maids, as she passed, the maids all dispersed, probably heading back to their duties.

I was in awe of the mansion's interior. The carpets were all made out of expensive materials. I would know since I hunted these monsters quite frequently for money.

"Lady Catherine, would you like to have lunch outside today? The weather is quite nice." Carol asked.

"Yes, that would be lovely."

Carol bowed and parted ways, but she was soon replaced with another maid.

"Right here please." we were escorted to the backyard of the house. It had a beautiful garden and an open field. We were sat down on a table with an umbrella over it.

When we sat, I noticed some crumbs on Lady Catherine's face, near the parts of her lips, probably from when she ate the croquettes.

"Lady Catherine, excuse me." using my thumb, I reached over and wiped near her lips, then I licked what was on my thumb.

With a surprised expression, Lady Catherine jolted back.


"Ah, sorry, you had some crumbs on your face."

"Truly!? How embarrassing!" Lady Catherine's face quickly went red as she covered her lips.

I smiled, her reactions were so cute, adorable even!

While enjoying my time with Lady Catherine, the meals arrived.

We were served some kind of noodle dish, I had no idea what it was since I had never seen or eaten it before.

Noticing my dismay, Lady Catherine said.

"Have you never had Carbonara before, commoner? I would not be surprised, this is what nobles eat after all!" Lady Catherine said, but not in a degrading tone, it was more like she was teasing me. That thought made me smile.

"Yes, yes. I had never seen this before, Lady Catherine." I tried scooping the food with a spoon, but it slid off. I tried again and again, but the results stayed the same. Truly, what a difficult food to eat.

"Pftt!" Lady Catherine chuckled.

"I know that I look stupid but please don't laugh!" I said aloud, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"No, it is just, commoner, you always seem to have an air of efficiency around you, so seeing you struggle with food like this is fairly entertaining." Lady Catherine said while chuckling and covering her mouth.

"I apologize, see here, this is how you do it... You twirl the pasta with a fork, and be careful not to take too much, and you simply eat it, while being mindful to not open your mouth fully, it's simple etiquette, since pasta is a dish served in high society frequently." Lady Catherine demonstrates to me with dignified and practiced motions. Even while eating, Lady Catherine looked so beautiful. It's once again a reminder on how I'm so close yet so far from her.

"I see! It's so different from our food." I laugh out. "Ours is basically if we can grab it with our hands we simply put it in our mouths, and if it's a soup we drink from the wooden bowl."

I tried the pasta and did it how Lady Catherine did it, how do I say this... It's kind of bland? It's delicious but if I were to compare it to a croquette, it would pale in comparison.

Looking at Lady Catherine, she had a troubled look on her face. Noticing this, the maid that was watching over us asked if there was something wrong.

"Ah, no, no, everything is fine." Lady Catherine dismissed the maid, but the look on her face didn't go.

Wait, what if...?

I took out the croquette that I took a bite out of. I honestly forgot that it was even here.

Having seen the croquette, Lady Catherine started at it.

I knew it, we had the same problem.

"Lady Catherine, would you like some again? Ah, but I already took a bite out of this, so you probably-"

"I'll humbly accept!" Lady Catherine said before I can even finish my sentence.

I passed the croquette to Lady Catherine, when she had it in her hands, her face went red.

"W-would this not be basically an I-i-i-indirect kiss?" Lady Catherine said while staring at the croquette in hand.

"Lady Catherine, you perv..."


"You could just eat from a side I had not taken a bite out of." I said while grinning.

"O-oh indeed, that is an option..."

Lady Catherine took a bite and quickly handed it back to me.

"It's truly delicious... I wonder why they do not serve this at high society?" Lady Catherine mumbles.

With this, we both ate all the while having a fun time.

We both finished our meals, and now it was time for me to go.

We were now outside the Bellerose's estate, in front of its gates. Lady Catherine and Carol went out to see me off.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Lady Catherine." I said, being fully satisfied with how the day turned out.

"Yes, I'll see you tomorrow too, commoner." Lady Catherine said while showing me a beautiful smile.

Giving our farewells, I started walking, but suddenly, the sky turned dark and rain started to pour.

When it started raining, I was about to run to a building for some shelter but was quickly stopped with a tug on my sleeve.

"What are you planning!? Go back inside with us!" Lady Catherine said as she once again led me by the hand and we ran to the Bellerose mansion.

This is the second time now... I'm not actually dead and this is paradise, right?

"Lady Catherine, can you pinch my cheeks real quick?"

"Again with your weird requests?"

Despite her confusion, she pinched both of my cheeks. It didn't hurt at all, but the feeling of Lady Catherine's hands were there.

"Lady Catherine, Lady Aya. You both got wet from the rain. The bath is ready, please both of you get in, we do not want you to get sick, especially since tomorrow is the start of your exams. Now, go go." urged by Carol, we were basically forced into the changing room.

Wait, how did she prepare the bath so quickly? She was with us.

Wait! Now isn't the time to be thinking about this!

In the changing room, two maids waited for us.

"Let's step into the bath now shall we? I'm feeling rather cold."

As if by routine, Lady Catherine stepped towards the maids and they started undressing her.

I quickly averted my eyes to the floor, soon after, the door to the bath opened and closed.

"Commoner! Quickly now!" Lady Catherine said from inside the bath.

My heart was beating even louder than before, I was nervous enough eating lunch in Lady Catherine's home. Now I'm going to be bathing with her!? How is it you get embarrassed by an indirect kiss, but you are fine bathing with me Lady Catherine!?

Argh! To hell with it then! It's just a bath, Aya Beaulieu, you've bathed with Laura in the public bath countless times before, this shouldn't faze you! Go onwards, you coward!

Taking deep breaths, I took off my clothing and put it in a basket, putting the pouch with the marbles on top of it, and headed into the bath.

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