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Y/n Pov
I Was Now Here In Heesung's Office

"Okay So Here Is The Contract Read The Contract Clearly And If You Break One Of It You Will Have A Punishment"Heesung Said As I Nodded And Sign The Papers

"So Who Is Going To Train Me"I Ask

"Me"He Said

"What??You??"I Said

"Yes You Scared"He Saus While Smirking

"Of Course Not But Your The Boss Right"I Said

"Yeah And Im An Ace In The Group So Im Good At Everything And Also Jungwon Is The Under Boss"Hs Said

"About My Clothes?I Dont Want To Wear Yours All The Time"I Sajd

"Dont Worry Tommorow We Will Going To Have An Shoppings To Buy Your Daily Needs And Also An Mafia Group Is Coming So Get Ready Sunoo Is Already Outside Waiting He Will Lead You The Way"Heesung Said As I Nodded I Went Out In The Room As I Sunoo Popped In

"Noona Your Already Here"Sunoo Saif

"Heesung Said Your Going To Lead Me In My Room"I Said

"Ohh Yeah This Way"Sunoo Said Leading The Way As We Stop In This Room

"Ohh Yeah This Way"Sunoo Said Leading The Way As We Stop In This Room

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"So This Is Your Room"Sunoo Said

"Sunoo I Think This Is Too Big I Just Want A Smaller One"I Said Making Him Chuckle

"Noona This Is Not That Big And Also Your Part Of The Gang"Sunoo Said

"Sunoo Ssi I Still Need To Complain In This"I Said

"Dont Try Break Heesung Hyung Order Noona Cause He Is Very Dangerous When He Gives Some Punishment"Sunoo Said

"Dangerous?"I Said

"Yes We Are All Fear On Him And Dont Break His Rule Cause We Dont Want A Punishment Cause He Have No Mercy When He Do It Anyways My Room Is Right Next Door On You If You Need Anything Just Knock On It"Sunoo Said

"Thanks Sunoo Ssi"I Said

"Thats Nothing Noona Btw I Have To Go Now Welcome To The Group"Sunoo Said And Left

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