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Y/n Pov
We Are Now Finally In The Restraurant Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

Y/n PovWe Are Now Finally In The Restraurant Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

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I Wore The Dress And Sandal Heesung Gave Me In My Birthday Since Its Been Awhile On It

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I Wore The Dress And Sandal Heesung Gave Me In My Birthday Since Its Been Awhile On It

What Hee Joon Wearing:

We Went In The Garden Since Thats Were We Will Have A Dinner When I Saw No One I Call Beomgyu Oppa As He Answer

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We Went In The Garden Since Thats Were We Will Have A Dinner When I Saw No One I Call Beomgyu Oppa As He Answer

Beomgyu Oppa:Eyy!!
Me:Where Are You Guys
Beomgyu Oppa:We Are Here
Me:I Cant See You Guys Stop Hiding
Beomgyu Oppa:We Are Here Just Wait
~Hang Up~

"Aish He Hang It Up"I Said

"Mommy Where Are They?"Hee Joon Sakd

"Lets Wait For Them"I Saif When The Lights Went Off And On Again And I Saw Heesung

"Lets Wait For Them"I Saif When The Lights Went Off And On Again And I Saw Heesung

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"Daddy!"Hee Joon Said As He Quickly Run On Him And Hug Him

"Heesung Ah"I Said As He Carry Hee Joon

"Yes Its Me Y/n"Heesung Said

"This Is Just A Dream Right I Already Dream Many Of These"I Said As He Walk Towards Me

"No Its Not Its Real Im Alive"Heesung Said

"Mommy He Is Alive Look"Hee Joon Said Kissing His Father's Cheek

"How Did You Get Alive?"I Said

"Well"He Said And Start Telling Me

Flash Back
Author Pov
The Nurse Was About To Put The White Cover In Heesung When She Saw His Heart Rate Went Back

"This Is A Miracle"The Nurse Said As She Call The Doctor As Heesung Open His Eyes

"Sir Can You See Us?"The Doctor Said

"Yes I Am"Heesung Said

"We Should Tell His Famiky Especially His Wife"The Other Doctor Said

"No Keep This A Secret I Wanna Surprise Them   Call One Of My Friend His Name Shim Jaeyun And He Will Took Care Of This"Heesung Said As They Nodded

End Of FlashBack

Y/n Pov
I Quickly Hug Him

"Its A Miracle Your Alive"I Said

"I Know Im Thankful On God For Second Life"He Said

"I Miss You So Much"I Said

"Me Too Baby"He Said As He Kiss Me Passionately When

"Mommy Daddy Not Infornt Of Me"A Voice We Heard And It Was Hee Joon As We Chuckle On Him

The End

Thank You For Reading Kidnapped I Didn't Expect Many Of People Will Like This Even Though Its Too Long To End You Still Didn't Stop Reading This Thank You Again From The Bottom Of My Heart❤

Lovelots From Authornim💕

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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