52)Hee Joon Is Missing

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Hee Joon Pov
I Was Now Here In The School My Teacher Was Lecturing When The Bell Rings

"Okay I Guess Times Up See You Tommorow"Our Teacher Said

"Bye Teacher"We Said

"Bye"Our Teacher Said As I Went In The School Gate And Saw Uncle Heesung

"Uncle Heesung Your Here"I Said As He Hug Me

"Yes Im Here To Pick You Up Son"He Said Why Is He Calling Me Like His Son

"Umm...Uncle?"I Said As We Broke The Hug

"I Heard That Your Driver Is Not Coming Cause He Is Sick So Im Here To Pick You Up Wanna Go In My Place"He Said

"Yes Please"I Said As He Smile On Me

"Lets Go"He Said As We Hop In His Mustang And He Drove Away

Y/n Pov

"Yah!Kim Beomgyu"I Said

"Whats Your Problem Kim Y/n"Beomgyu Oppa Said

"Why You Didn't Tell Me You Almost Lost My Son And He Get The Chance And Met His Father"I Said

"Where Even The Heck You Heard On That"Beomgyu Oppa Said

"One Of Our Mens"I Said

"Okay Guys I Need You Need To Calm Down"Yeonjun Oppa Said

"What??No My Son Met His Freaking Jerk That Who Didn't Name Him For This Is For The Second Time"I Said

"Y/n Calm Down We Will Help You To Hide This On Heesung We Promise"Soobin Oppa Said

"Aish I Really Cant Believe You"I Saif As My Phone Rings And I Answer The Call

Hee Joon Driver:Miss Kim We Got A Problem
Me:What Is It
Hee Joon Driver:Hee Joon Is Missing
Me:What Do You Mean By My Son Is Missing
Hee Joon Driver:Im Here To Pick Him Up But His Classmates Said He Already Left
Me:Did Someone Saw Him Who He Is With?
Hee Joon Driver:Yes They Said The Guy Name Heesung
Me:Okay Back To The Mansion Now
~Hang Up~

"Whats Going On Why Is Hee Joon Missing"Yeonjun Oppa Said

"His Father Took Him I Think He Already Found Out The Truth"I Said

"Thats Imposible No One Knows Its His Child"Soobin Oppa Said

"The Enhypen Members Now Help Me To Get Him And Get Your Ass Now Kim Beomgyu Cause You Still Need To Pay Me"I Said

"Fine Fine Fine Im Coming To Help"Beomgyu Said As We Left

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