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Beomgyu Pov
I Was Busy Lookinv For Hee Joon When I Spotted Him With A Guy I Quickly Went In The Ice Cream Store

"Hee Joon Gosh Finally I Found You"I Said

"Uncle Beom"He Called As I Hug Him

"Are You Okay?Gosh I Was Going To Get Crazy"I Said As I Broke The Hug

"Uncle Beom Im Okay Im With Uncle Heesung"Hee Joon Said As Heesung Turn Arounf

"Omo!Sorry Heesung For Disturbing You"I Apologize

"No Its Fine Besides I Love Helpinv A Cute Kid Like Him"Heesunv Said This Shoulf Not Last Longer

"Yeah Thanks For The Help And We Have To Go Now"I Said As I Dragged Hee Joon Out Of The Ice Cream Store

"Uncle What Happened"Hee Joon Said

"Nothing Just Dont Tell Your Mom Yoy Get Lost And Meet Him Today"I Said

"But Why?"Hee Joon Ask Innocently

"Cause Your Mom Will Kill Me Do You Want Uncle Beom To Get Killed?"I Said

"No I Dont Want To"Hee Joon Said As I Smile On Him

"Now Dont Tell Your Mom About This Okay Especially When You Met Heesung"I Said

"Fine But In One Condition"Hee Joon Said Okay I Dont Have A Choice I Should Basically Follow Him Or I Will Be End Up Died

"Okay I Will Follow Anything You Say Just Promise Me Dont Tell It"I Said Gosh This Makes Me Nervous

"Buy Me Alot Of New Toys"Hee Joon Said While Taking A Lick On His Ice Cream

"But Your Uncle Yeonjun Just Buy You Yester--"I Was Cutted Off

"Do You Want Me To Tell On Mommy On What Happened Today?"Hee Joon Said Threathening Me As I Deeply Sigh

"Fine Lets Go"I Said

"Yey!"Hee Joon Said Excitedly As We Went On  Toys Area

Heesung Pov
Beomgyu And Hee Joon Just Left

"Excuse Me Sir But Your Ice Cream Will Be Melting If You Dont Eat That In Any Seconds"A Voice I Heard And It Was The Cashier

"Ohh Yeah Thanks For Informing Me"I Said As I Left The Shop And Dial Niki's Number Kid Pick Up The Phone

Niki:Yes Hyung
Me:I Want A Profile On Y/n's Son
Niki:Okay Then
~Hang Up~

Without I Finish My Ice Cream And Left

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