49)Father-Son Bond

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Heesung Pov
We Arrive In The Ice Cream Store

We Went Inside As We Greeted On Their Cashier

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We Went Inside As We Greeted On Their Cashier

"Good Afternoon Welcome To Ren's Ice Cream Store How May I Help You"The Cashier Said

"So Hee Joon Ah What Ice Cream Flavor Do You Like?"I Said Kneeling Down Asking Him

"Rainbow Ice Cream Sherbet"Hee Joon Said Excitedly Makes Me Chuckle As I Stand Up

"2 Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream Cone"I Said

"Okay Thats ₩13,000 Korean Won"The Cashier Said As I Gave Him My Black Card As He Swipe It And Give It Back

"I Think Lets Take A Sit There While Waiting For The Ice Cream"I Said

"Okay Uncle"Hee Joon Said As We Sat In A Vaccant Table

"Okay So How Old Are You"I Ask Him

"Im 6 Years Old(Korean Age)"Hee Joon Said So Its A Confirm He Is My Son Cause Y/n Left Me 5 Years Ago And She Told She Was Pregnant In My Child I Quickly Hug Him

"Uncle Whats Going On"Hee Joon Said

"Nothing It Just Makes Me Feel Better"I Said Stoping My Tears To Fall While Smiling On Him

"Aish Maybe Your Getting Cold Uncle You Can Wear My Jacket"Hee Joon Said He Is Just Like His Mom A Carrying One

"Nahh Im Fine"I Said

"Order 8 On 2 Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream"The Cashier Said

"Wait We Are Coming Lets Go Now"I Said As We Went There

"Here Is Your Ice Cream With Your Son"The Cashier Said Giving It To Us As We Get It

"No He Is Not"I Was Cutted Off By Hee Joon

"Of Course Im So Handsome Like My Daddy Right"Hee Joon Said As He Smile On Me

"Ummm..."Thats All I Say When

"Hee Joon Ah Gosh I Finally Found You"A Voice We Heard And Its Beomgyu?

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